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The One Brown Girl Challenge

I love a party.

I did my fair share of club hopping and partying while growing up and working in the entertainment business in LA, so the truth is that most of the time I prefer throwing a party more than going to one.  In order to get me excited about getting all gussied up and leaving the comfort of my home, you have to be throwing a real mean shindig.  And I mean a really mean one.  That, or just offer me a chance to travel and I'm there....lickety split.  Yes sirree.

So yesterday I threw a party, but not just any old party.  It was a Passport Party for a group of tw/eens sponsored by OBG Adventure Camps, with one passport sponsored by April Thompson of Absolute Travel Addict (who is on her way to Japan as I type), and with transportation generously provided by General Motors*...and I didn't even have to get all gussied up.

Bella (age 12) was voted Best Passport Photo

by her peers in a blind vote.

OBGAC Passport Party / June 4, 2011
The purpose of the Passport Party was to sponsor the first passports of several girls in the San Francisco Bay Area. The goal is to help give them a world view through travel and to help them consider their place in the world by giving them the tools they might need to wander the globe and learn about different cultures. I feel good about being of service in this way, particularly since only 30% of Americans have a passport. You can only imagine what percentage of that 30% are children...and Brown children at that.

Jessica, age 15.

~OBGAC Passport Party / June 4, 2011
The OBG Challenge is a pretty simple one: If you don't have a passport, get one. If you already have one, help get one for someone else. If you don't know who to help, OBG Adventure Camps would be happy to accept your $105 donation (made payable to the US Department of State) on behalf of another tw/een.  The bottom line is that the more prepared we all are for any international travel that might pop up, the bigger our chances are of gaining a world view.  And I certainly don't need to tell any of you the benefits of having a broad view of the world.  To begin the passport application process, please click here.


Of course the plan is to empower more and more girls by throwing more and more Passport Parties...but moving around the nation takes sponsors and is a work in progress. But the truth is, this kind of party is enough to get me to leave the comfort of my own home and get all gussied up.

*Disclaimer:  During the 2011 Hispanicize Conference, I was able to connect with a GM rep who ultimately agreed to help me serve tw/eens by donating a 2011 Chevrolet Traverse for my party...without asking for anything in return. Naturally, any corporation that helps me serve girls is my BFF for life. It didn't hurt that they loaned me a top of the line SUV either. Besides the fact that it seats seven, performed well in a downpour of rain, and looks good (!), the rear view camera in the rear view mirror gave me goose bumps. GM, you are The Business! And as usual everyone, I am typing my opinions and feelings from way down deep.