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very young johnny depp

very young johnny depp. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • MacRumors
    Apr 21, 10:10 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/21/samsung-files-patent-suits-against-apple-in-korea-japan-germany/)


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  • lbro
    Apr 16, 10:52 PM
    I might play. Not totally sure yet.

    very young johnny depp. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • MacNut
    May 1, 11:49 PM
    Comparing him to the President shows just how twisted our population's understanding of Al-Qaeda's current make up has become. He was a leader a decade ago.

    The current iteration of "Al-Qaeda" has only the idea driving it in common with the hierarchical Al-Qaeda of a decade ago.Bin Laden was the figurehead of the organization. Him dead is still a blow to Al-Qaeda. Was he in charge anymore probably not but it is still a big deal that he is dead.

    very young johnny depp. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • cmaier
    Apr 22, 12:35 PM
    Wait what ? Apple's complaint had multiple utility patents, design patents, trademark infringement claims and trade dress claims. That's pretty broad, not specific.

    No, there were many specific allegation (for example the patent claims), and many others (trade dress) aimed at a broader range of devices. And for the claims that don't require pleading with great specificity, they did give examples.


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  • twoodcc
    Sep 18, 11:24 PM
    anyone with a newer mac pro or xserve can kill in the stats. should be a nice incentive. i am excited about mac folding for the first time in a while

    i wonder how the octo 2.26 does

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  • marksman
    Apr 22, 11:24 AM
    Translation: Apple's new iPhone, code named Anorexia, couldn't possibly hold 2 chips! We aim to make a phone so thin, a postage stamp would add bulk.

    Yeah while Apple realizes people want their mobile smartphone to be small and portable as that is a key part of the puzzle the rest of the industry is trying to duplicate this:


    with a touch screen.


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  • gwynne
    Jun 9, 12:28 PM
    Mom blaming the kid for her own screwup, IMHO.

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  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 10:56 AM
    I agree. My friend has an HTC with Sense and I love it compared to my slow Samsung TouchWiz interface. It's gotten better with Froyo but still very sluggish.

    As soon as Apple fixes the damn notification system and...preferably gives us some kind of option of customization of a home screen or something (just so its not just a bunch of useless icons), I will switch back to the iPhone. I kind of miss my 3GS.

    Touchwiz! Thank you! I should just remember Cheesewiz :D


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  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 02:05 PM
    First off...Eriden nice meeting you today, sir! Was a fun morning less the disappointment of neither of us getting our desired model.

    Brea had a 105 year old mall cop who yelled at some kids sitting in the middle of the floor. I'm almost positive he called for backup. Haha

    Just ordered mine online. At least have one in the pipeline. And hey...it is getting shipped to Mass so I'll save $20 on sales tax :)

    It was good meeting you too! Hopefully we won't have to wait the whole 4-5 weeks. I'd be back at the crack of dawn tomorrow, but I'm up against deadlines for work projects.

    And that mall cop was hilarious. He probably hasn't felt relevant in 30 years. Getting to glare at mallgoers and check in with his supervisors probably made his day.

    very young johnny depp. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • kennyt72
    Apr 14, 12:52 PM

    666MB for AT&T iPhone 4.

    same for O2 iPhone 4 in the UK


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  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 04:56 PM
    that would def be SICK, but it doesn't seem likely. I'll wait and see though, I hope it is this cool!

    If i don't like the form factor, I'll just find a case that feels good

    very young johnny depp. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 13, 01:53 PM
    Wait, for something to have meaning it must have emotions attached to it ? Whatever happened to cold objective debate ?

    Meaning is derived from the content, not from the emotions behind the statements. We're in a debate of facts, not in a subjective discussion. Emotionality has no place in the text.

    That's not what I meant. You're trying to mix things up now. All you said was:

    'Written text has no emotionality.'

    You sounded as if it were a general statement or a fact which is absolutely false.

    Or am I not understanding what you mean here ? My post was objective in that I was not refusing to view the evidence, I just found his evidence to be contradictory and self-refuting and thus not applicable. I stated it as such and further explained when told I was "refusing to see" something that just wasn't there to begin with.

    There was nothing to "cool down".

    The only reason why I said 'cool down' was because he did mention in his last post that his citation isn't consistent with any fact. And then you... :rolleyes:

    His statement was not an argument. It was as a fact. And the Engadget article is not a citation to support the fact since it has been refuted by CNET, according to the very source AppleCorps used initially, TechCrunch.

    He did rest his argument down, but you didn't.

    Cool down *.

    *Conditions Apply.

    - Only if you haven't already.
    - Only if you were 'cooled' down in the first place.


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  • Lennholm
    Apr 22, 08:23 AM

    Looks completely different to me. ;)

    How are they different? They are both round with a 3D look and have a triangle with the same alignment and angles in the middle. They even perform the same function, to start playback of media content. Are you really going to nitpick about the colors? That's not different enough, Apple should definetely sue.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    May 1, 11:29 PM
    Obama definitely will be re-elected after this. Kiss your asses goodbye Republicans.

    I think Trump, Fox News and the Tea Partiers already completed that for them


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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 22, 10:43 AM
    wimax is not 4G. it even shows up with the wifi icon when it's connected. LTE is a real ITU standard that will eventually pave the way for real 4G

    Really? When my EVO connects to WiMAX the 3G turns into a 4G.

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  • HGW
    Jul 12, 09:44 AM
    i gave up wanting more from an ipod when discovered you cant take pictures from an ipod photo


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  • rusty2192
    Apr 7, 03:31 PM
    Another from the KY Vietnam Veterans Memorial
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5064/5596946708_3eaba5a469.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5596946708/)
    IMG_3160 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5596946708/) by Rusty2192 (http://www.flickr.com/people/48874590@N02/), on Flickr

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 2, 04:11 PM
    We might take team Lituania today ;)

    We got them!
    Well, we may pass each other back and forth a few times before we can really pull away...
    Next target: 2.3 weeks away! Keep Folding!

    And a little pat in the back as I just took the #8 spot on the team. Watch out this week #7! After it gets more tricky and WhiteRabbit is coming behind faaaaast...

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  • drakino
    Mar 14, 01:45 PM
    Wow, glad I avoided the Brea store, sounds like a mess.

    Ended up grabbing two from the South Coast location (one for myself, and one for work to develop with, as they let me go early to go stand in line). Arrived around 2:30, and the line was around 300 at that point, with it mostly outside. Thanks to the guy next to me for providing sunscreen, I got a bit of a tan but avoided a full sunburn.

    What was strange is that mall security would yell at anyone with a foldout chair, claiming it's a safety issue since it would block more of the sidewalk and not allow people to easily walk by without stepping into the road. Seems reasonable, until I noticed all the Apple employees just kept going up and down the road anyhow and security said nothing. Oh well.

    One tip an employee was passing along was to buy whatever model you could if they didn't have the exact one you wanted, then take advantage of the 14 day return policy later. Might be a bit rough for some people though with the expected stock shortages, but will also mean a likely appearance of the iPad 2 on the refurb side quicker then normal for folks looking to save a bit.

    Apr 22, 06:16 PM
    It amazes me that people who claim to be closely following Apple can come up with stuff like this. Have you ever looked at an apple product? A "gesture" home button? A profile that gets thicker towards the top? Are you KIDDING me? It's a real testament to how bad most people's design sense is: even when they're trying to invent plausible rumors about Apple, they come up with the worst freaking designs in the world.

    This is like all the slide out keyboard rumors, etc., that always seem to come up--what company do you think you're talking about? Do you REALLY think Steve Jobs is going to get up on stage and unveil a sliding keyboard as the future of the iPhone? Or a "gesture home button"? Can you imagine how absurd that would sound coming out of his mouth?

    Just because you have to keep the news flowing doesn't mean that you have to broadcast (and try to partially defend) any ludicrous product rumor that comes your way. I've got your next killer headline: "iPhone 5 to feature stylus, four capacitative buttons".

    Apr 29, 07:41 PM
    Wow some people here are incredibly close minded. Nothing comes good out of being dedicated to one brand, nothing. You don't get any perks from the company, you lose out on possible better competitor products, you lose money, you lose out on knowledge of other products, etc.

    Apple's primary profits come from hardware not the music store.

    I hate how slow Apple's servers on iTunes have been for the last couple years, definitely gonna have a look into amazon's store.

    But this is how the true Apple believer thinks. If Apple doesn't make it, you don't need it. If anyone else makes it, it's junk. All that matters is that Apple makes huge sums of money so we can brag about it here. We want to pay a high price so Apple can continue to produce products that we want to buy and we don't want any competition. All we care about it what Steve says.

    Dec 1, 02:43 PM
    Sober up, Steve. Less time on Time Machine and more time on solidifying the system.

    AppleTalk: Who uses it, and why?

    I'm pretty sure that any time you use Personal file sharing, you are using AppleTalk.

    EDIT: More info... Personal File Sharing is based off of Apple Filing Protocol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Filing_Protocol). From wikipedia:

    AFP versions 3.0 and greater rely exclusively on TCP/IP (port 548 or 427) for establishing communication, supporting AppleTalk only as a service discovery protocol. The AFP 2.x family supports both TCP/IP and AppleTalk for communication and service discovery. Many third-party AFP implementations use AFP 2.x, thereby supporting AppleTalk as a connection method. Still earlier versions rely exclusively on AppleTalk. For this reason, some older literature refers to AFP as "AppleTalk Filing Protocol". Other literature may refer to AFP as "AppleShare," the name of the Mac OS 9 (and earlier) AFP client.

    May 1, 11:16 PM
    CIA (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/source-al-qaida-head-bin-laden-dead-us-in-possession-of-body-obama-to-speak-sunday-night/2011/05/01/AF1D5hVF_story.html?hpid=z1) operation apparently.

    The whole operation sounds like something the fictional Clark and Chavez leading a very small Rainbow Six unit from a Tom Clancy novel would do. :)

    Sep 30, 07:25 AM
    Having worked very closely with the head engineers of AT&T, I do feel sorry for them. As someone stated earlier, that are spending billions to upgrade the network, but all that money will only meet current demand in some areas. The iPhone is such an incredible success that AT&T never had a chance. The same would be said about Verizon had they got the exclusive contract. If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.

    You have a point, but Apple didn't necessarily want an exclusive carrier. That does nothing for Apple's business. AT&T obviously paid for Apple's exclusivity.

    I understand that AT&T has a problem, and they are trying to fix the problem. But they have made TONS OF MONEY off people switching from Verizon/Sprint/etc. It may take time for that money to become new towers and infrastructure, but they cannot say that there is no problem.

    AT&T had to drop the "Fewest Dropped Calls" ad campaign because it turned out to be mostly false. "More Bars in More Places" means nothing when everyone else is using all those bars.