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  • h'biki
    Apr 16, 03:21 AM
    when marketshare is almost 0 % you are close to dying, look a 1 % of all new machines built is not giving me any confidence in the platform. sure we have 10 % in a installed platform but are loosing everywhere( thank you motorola for holding up the ass end. Fact is Pcs are running away from Mac and when a 500 dollar machine kicks a new $2000 Imac its time to say so long to Jobs and his croonies. Supported you guys way to long at my expense.

    Layman's version:

    When you CEASE TO MAKE A PROFIT then you are dying*. Until then, it doesn't matter what your market share is.

    If 1% of the world's population gave me a dollar, I'd be very rich. If 50% of the world's population gave you 1 cent, you'd also be rich, but not as rich as me... even though you have a greater market share. Its all about margins!

    For those who are actually interested in understanding the world of business:

    *Well, possibly dying... You have to continue to lose money and do it over a period of time before you are dying. Even then, that may be a result of mismanagement, rather than the company itself being dead -- there may still be the potential for money to be made. Really, the only time a company is dead is when its bankrupt and/or when its taken over and its assets stripped (because its been mis-valued).

    To give two recent examples. Gateway has been losing money for some time. It has gone from a all time high in 1997 of $61 per share to its current price of around $6 (which it has been at for over the last year). In other words, its been devalued by a magnitude of 10. (They may have refinanced during that time and devalued the price per share, while increasing their overall market value... but I can't remember them doing that. Gateway may have greater marker share, but Apple is valued at around $28 per share. Just to make the comparison properly fair, Gateway has a market value of $1,999 Million, while Apple's market value is around $10,000 million. In other words, Apple is worth ten times as much as Gateway, despite their smaller market share. (Admittely, Apple's share price flucates like crazy, but thats arguably a result of the FUD of uninformed gits, like those at C|Net). Nonetheless, Gateway is likely to be around for some time. Until it continues to burn through money and its share price drops even lower, and it becomes the target of a hostile takeover... which will result in (1) a merger/total buyout/absortion; (2) a massive corporate governance change because the hostile company thinks there's money to be made; and (3) its bought out, its assets stripped and resold.

    Example 2 is Media 100. They were also burning through money. Unlike Gateway, however, they weren't generating much gross revenue. Their technology was good, but not that good, and their management was baaad. They weren't generating much gross revenue, which is why no one was really interested in buying them or giving them a loan. They just didn't seem capable of even making a profit (and thats what matters). They were a dying company (unlike Gateway, which is just troubled). So they were forced to file for bankruptcy. Now their assets are being bought by Optibase -- when that deal is complete, they will be dead.

    Point is, corporate finance is a very convuluted world. They're like stars. The bigger they are, the longer it usually takes them to die. Sometimes there are corporate "supernovas" (like Enron or HIH or OneTel) in which the whole corporate structure implodes, but thats because of criminal negligence, lack of transparency, and dodgy account practices. (All of which render the mechanisms of the market for corporate control to be rather useless. Noone wants to touch a company when you don't want to know what you're buying).

    The most important thing to the world of corporate finance -- the one in which a company lives or dies -- is profit per share, then revenue. Both of which Apple has. Thus it is healthy. Oh, and its debt free. This is a good thing, because it signals to potentially future creditors that it pays off it loans... thus they're likely to bail it out, if it finds itself in trouble again. (Of course, there are mitigating factors there, but thats true of anything).

    The only reason that Apple's market share is an issue is because uninformed gits in the IT press (tautology that) scream about it being an issue. This creates information asynchronicity (imnsho) and distorts the market (both the share market and the IT market). Personally I reckon that if people didn't think market share was an issue, Apple would actually be increasing its marketshare. Of course, thats exactly the reason companies like C|NET do scream about it, so it becomes a quasi self-fulfililng prophercy.

    Here endeth the lesson on "Introduction to Corporate Financing 101"

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  • Lollypop
    Jul 18, 01:49 AM
    I'm sufficiently excited. Here's hoping for higher quality (than the current TV shows) and Netflix-esque pricing.

    Start "TS isn't accurate/only for the US" whining in 3, 2, 1�

    I was trying to avoid the whining, but now that you bring it up... when is apple going to bring the video content to other coutries?

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 27, 09:59 AM
    Really? How shocking!

    Imagine, the U.S. European Command, headed by an American!

    Next you'll be telling us that the U.S. President is an American, too.

    Oh? He chose to leave those two significant letters out of his post. :confused:

    Some more cynical than me (impossible) might consider that disinformation. :rolleyes:

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  • Shanesan
    Apr 26, 01:24 PM
    Amazon could have just used "AppShop" to avoid this issue, but no, of course not.

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 19, 09:34 AM

    You know I am almost always critical of US military action, but in this case...

    It might need to be taken.

    We do have an obligation to stop atrocities if we are aware of them.

    That said, this needs to be an international action, not like the "coalition of the willing" that went into Iraq. In fact, id prefer it if the US was NOT the main force by any stretch. We should give plenty of support, but we should be careful to not give the impression that we are taking the primary role in another conflict.

    phht...I'm pretty sure the reason why there is "international action" this time is because it's not only easy to justify, but it has been clearly demonstrated that the US "going in" will result in victory. And this is a tiny weak nation too. At least Iraq was able to off a decent amount of "coalition forces" even though it's still a pin prick. And since Lybia has a lot of oil, "other nations" will be really easy to be persuaded to "save lives of rebels" or whatever. Heck, even the "French" are throwing on the gloves. Which I'm sure many ppl feel we should just shoot them out of the air ourselves. :p I mean, the Frence aren't going to miss out on this one, especially since it's like a given victory with "air support".

    I mean, this "cease fire" that's going on. Why is there no ceasfire? Because the West doesn't want it. It's already in motion. Whether it be jamming communications or "rebels staging attacks on themselves for show", it's clear that we've made the decision to go for blood...civilians or not in harms way...to put the regime WE want, into power. They aren't "peaceful"...they look just like those in that picture above in the truck. They struck a deal. Oil for help. And the Frence sadly are apparently in on it too.

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  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 01:02 PM
    for me, this would go into the "who cares" column. i don't need another notebook no matter how thin it is. what i need is a sub notebook. i don't believe a thinner notebook would garner all of this much attention. not a big enough deal. not the apple style. MacBook Air. i have to say no way.

    i'll go out on a limb and say the "air" has something to do with a new wireless network to replace the stupid EDGE network.

    Maybe its not just thinner, maybe its got some special feautre(s)! Or maybe it has a multi-touch display!

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  • mrgreen4242
    Aug 29, 11:08 AM
    IF they go to a 1.66ghz Core Duo, 512mb RAM, GMA950, 80gb 5400rpm HD, SD, AE, and BT model for $599 I'll get one immediately. That's a great price and would make an affordable upgrade from my current mini (assuming I could get at least, say, $350 for it which is fairly reasonable I think).

    I'd probably be OK if they went with a 60gb HDD, but the SD is non-negotiable. I think the current high end mini is a perfectly acceptable machine for 90% of the people in the world, even those who want to play SOME games (the GMA950 outpaces the 9200 in the PPC minis in most things, especially in Windows).

    Ideally, though, I agree that the mini needs to get back to a $499 and $599 (or $699 if the specs warrent it) price point. If they update the speed and keep the price the same this update, they need to have a mid cycle price drop to $499 and $699, followed by a move to Memrom and the x3000/Santa Rosa platform (at the same prices).

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, even if they don't make those specs at that price, the refurbs are already $699, so there's a good chance they will drop to $599 after a refresh, which works just as well for me... guess I'm getting a new computer next month! (WooWoo for 3 pay period months ;))

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  • SciFrog
    Dec 13, 06:09 PM

    I was over at kakaostats and saw there is someone new this week "elena" (http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1604130), up only since tuesday and they already have over 4M points! Must be an institution with a wicked fast cluster? Some serious players out there...

    You are #103 cruncher for the whole project, whao!
    And actually #1 and #2 are default user, not real...

    Can't wait for Gulftown Mac Pros and SMP2 (maybe 60k PPD with one machine?).

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  • BigBeast
    Apr 19, 07:57 PM
    Large SSD's are just too expensive and often times not big enough. And you only get a finite number of writes on them before they're garbage.

    While technically correct, you should provide context.

    While SSDs DO have a finite number of write available, an SSD that's 256 GB (a modest drive size) with 10,000 writes = 2,560,000 GB of writing capacity (or 2.56 * 10^6 ;))

    That means you could write 100 GB of data PER DAY for slightly over 70 YEARS!

    Feel free to be amazed. :D

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  • Morod
    Apr 21, 11:34 AM
    It doesn't take long for crap politics to enter a thread....

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  • ryan.stewie
    Apr 12, 10:08 PM
    Well i'll tell you this FCP 5 (floating around in places i won't mention) is around 1.5 GB so If it is on the App store It will be 1 BIG download for me.
    (3 Mbps cable line here)

    pfffft! You think you've got it bad? I've only got 1500kbps here :D

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  • Yamcha
    May 2, 05:21 PM
    Whatever happened to Command-Delete?

    ....this is starting to look like Aero in Windows Vista.

    See any similarities?

    Image (http://thecustomizewindows.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/How-to-remove-the-confirmation-prompt-to-delete-any-file-in-Windows-7-2.png)

    Image (http://cdn.macrumors.com/article/2011/05/02/171331-lion_delete_evernote.jpg)

    lol true, infact the new buttons look similar to the ones found on Windows 7.. Anyway one thing that is annoying about Launchpad is that you cannot remove applications from the grid, sometimes you end up with uninstallers, and it just becomes a huge mess, would be nice if we could remove applications from Launchpad, not necessarily uninstalling them but just removing them from the grid..

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  • ibook30
    Jul 14, 12:51 AM
    What i'm worried about is if this whole format war between HD-DVD and Blu-ray turns out to be really worthless and end up with neither format winning and instead having both supplanted by further formats. it would be like trying to put betamax up against laserdisc then having DVDs come to market :rolleyes: .

    There are great things coming though- future discs, future mass storage too. HDs may be on their way out soon enough for speed reasons. one thing i'm keeping an eye on is ferroelectric memory, which might also make HD-DVD/Bluray etc. partly obsolete as a storage format- useful primarily for video media only.

    Excellent points, and concerns. I think the format wars will be mitigated by tech companies desire to make a dollar and the markets inability to handle too many choices and price points vs. value.

    It's not impossible that the bluray/ HD DVD conflict will be supplanted by new technology - but it will become a regional issue (Asia vs Europe or N America) and/or price against value issue .. ultimately leaving the consumer with two or three choices.... no matter how fast the technology advances. "The market" is unlikely to handle more than 2 or 3 choices. (I am speaking of the consumer market - a seperate market for the technocracy will allow more choices for niche markets.... I hope)

    Let's see what happens- it'll be an interesting ride.

    On the 802.11n front- to deviate from the thread again - if Apple and other traditional tech companies do not get behind this - it will leave an opening for telecom/cable companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon - all of whom are delivering faster and faster connection speeds to the (residential)consumer's front door .... Verizon's fiber optic system gives faster download and upload times than previous options, so they are creating a need for faster home networks.
    Apple is beginning to compete with telcoms for the communication dollar (iChat AV and ventures into cell phones) - so telcoms might strike back by offering machines or networking cards that work with these advancing high speed internets. I dunno.

    p.s. (Silentwave) I am reading about ferroelectric tech - and it is fascinating. Glad you mentioned it!

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  • mkaake
    Jan 12, 08:55 AM
    I had, or rather still have in a closet, a powerbook 100. It had an external floppy drive and I did carry it around with me, kind of defeating the purpose of the smaller form factor in the first place, so I bought my wife the powerbook 145 which had the floppy onboard. I guess we're now beyond wondering how to get things on the computer without the drive, but it would make sense for a driveless mac to have some super wireless connectivity options? Perhaps connectivity with the home mac in a "go to my pc" kind of way. Apple does own the "go to my mac" domain name. Just a thought.

    Having not read through 5 pages, I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but there's a lot of people talking like this (that I've heard) - but there's a big difference between now and then (I remember those days too :) ) - Back then, the floppy was your main method for moving data from one place to another. Today, your options for moving data from one machine to another are pretty huge - you can use a USB thumb drive (which is the biggest reason, IMHO, that it's finally okay to think about external disc drives again on laptops - I've used the disc drive on my lappy about 2 times since I got it 2 years ago), you can email yourself data, etc.

    The times you would like to have it around would most likely be for software (either expensive software still distributed on physical media), or watching movies (or ripping new music). And while it would certainly be a pain to walk in to a store (or coffee shop, or whatever), buy a new CD, and not be able to rip it until you get near your optical drive again, I think Apple is okay with that, as they want your primary means of obtaining music / movies / media in general to be the iTMS.

    So I see this as plausible. What's more, I expect other manufacturers will follow suit, and within 2-3 years, most laptops (costing more than $600, and not the desktop replacement bricks) will have external drives.

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 23, 11:16 PM
    I did not wade thru all the posts here as to "why not diesel" - but as an American that has watched cars across "The Pond" I wondered why not here in the US. Based on a quick search of prices here in the Reston Va area.... diesel is about 15% higher than the gas price.... the added cost of a TDI Golf vs a gas model makes it hard for low milage drivers to make the switch.....

    Much of our US based concerns seem to be on power vs economy....

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  • SciFrog
    Mar 5, 12:47 PM

    I see some new folks putting up some points, designed, DistortedLoop, and MAcProCPO is back at it again, thanks for the effort to those and other newbies!

    I had a problem with the MacPro after I upgraded to a 3 SSD raid for booting ... I forgot to set the machine to NOT go to sleep, DUH! I could not figure out why it was timing out of folding every so often with the remote Linux boards that I'm ssh'd into from the Mac. NOW that I have that figured out my points will pick up again. It was still impressive just running the 6 GPU's and 2 win clients at about 50k per day!

    And congrats for 10mio points!

    Still sIting for Gulftown to be released, and to see the price... My current 8 core 3ghz 2,1 mac pro isbbeyond my needs already... And still no GPU on OS X...

    On the good news front, SMP2 is rock solid, haven't lost a unit yet even after reboots.

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  • SciFrog
    Mar 30, 08:58 AM
    I decided I don't need to right now so it's back to bigadv units now.

    Your PPD has improved a lot :eek:

    Still no new Mac Pro announced...

    On another note, I updated four computer to 10.6.3 that were running a3 and all of them resumed and finished. Can't wait for a3 bigadv.

    Also rumors are all over the place for PPD on the new Nvidia GTX 480. Soem say 13k PPD, some say 29k...

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  • treichert
    Apr 13, 04:05 AM
    I read about the new iCal before updating, and actually saved the old iCal from DP1 and copied it over after updating to DP2. It worked just fine, though it's interesting to note that the 'ugly' DP2 version was much smaller in size than the original DP1 version. DP1 iCal was over 40mb, while the new & ugly iCal was only around 13mb.

    Oh well, I still happily sacrificed the extra space for a more usable interface.

    How exactly was it more usable?

    The only thing that changed is the color, the layout is exactly the same.

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  • copykris
    Nov 25, 02:12 PM
    They're just ****ing sunglasses...


    so true

    Oct 24, 05:46 AM
    I'd love to see a new design, but I'll be happy with:
    1. C2D 2.33GHz
    2. bigger HD, with easy-swap HD bay
    3. heat problems, "mooing," and random-shutdowns solved

    Anything else will be icing on the cake!



    Completely right. As everyone else has speculated, it seems likely that the big overhaul will be early next year. That said, if this revision has the upgrades you mentioned, I'll be elated. I'd much rather have a functional (i.e. not overheating, mooing, and whining) machine than a feature-crammed but functionally useless one. Stability, in this case, is probably more important than unworkable new features.

    Apr 1, 10:55 PM
    Ok, I think the panics were caused by something I did, not the update, that is what I get for making too many changes at once, I'll have to test the configurations to see what caused them. All is well at the moment.

    Definitely the 12 core ;)

    I moved the 2 GPU machines to the basement where it is much cooler (I know the dust and spiders might kill them, but... hopefully no snakes...) and it is almost quiet upstairs now! The mac pro is soooo quiet! No other Mac that I remember having has been so quiet. I had to run the KVM and network cables between an air duct and the floor, it's kinda goofy but better than a new hole in the floor. Oh, and I accidentally created a network loop, not a good thing as it took me a while to fix. Downtime was only about 2 1/2 hrs, should have been less but I wasn't very well prepared; it was getting way too hot upstairs already.

    Oh. Well good luck with the configs.

    Good! 12 cores would be awesome! (24 logical cores).

    As long as you have a case on your machines. The spiders and dust shouldn't be too bad, just clean them once a month or so

    Sep 8, 08:01 PM
    Number of posts in this thread seem to indicate that this update has been underwhelming
    Well, the update certainly wasn't jaw-dropping, it was just a normal product cycle update. So in comparison to the new CPU's in the iMac, oh, and the whole 24" screen business, the mini update kind of pales in comparison.

    That said, I did buy one today from CompUSA! :D I was very surprised that they had them in already, they even got some of the new low end iMacs yesterday, no 24 inchers yet.

    So now my office will be pleasantly furnished with a new Mac mini, wireless keyboard and Mighty Mouse. Everyone else in the building runs Windows (although a few have ACD's), but it shouldn't be too difficult to convert them once they see my little powerhouse of a mini. My boss was already blown away when I showed it to him, he called in three other people to look at it.

    Fish in a barrel, my friends. ;)

    Jan 12, 07:26 AM
    I actually like the name. Anyone else? :D

    Yeah! Me, too. People better get used to it. If I recall correctly, MacRumors is pretty accurate when publishing rumors from their own sources.


    Nov 29, 05:48 PM

    some ideas:

    A) I think Apple wants to stay out of trouble with content providers. I think they will allow Elgato to add some DVR functionality to front row via their EyeTV software and hardware.

    B) the USB port might be use for that.

    C) good idea

    D) I doubt. Apple like to keep things simple