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selena gomez haircut layered

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  • Mystikal
    Mar 16, 03:11 PM
    Yes this was at Irvine Spectrum. The Apple guy said to try again tomorrow.

    Has anyone heard from Mission Viejo??

    Heres my probably wrong theory:
    Fashion island got them yesterday.
    South Coast got them today.
    Spectrum tomorrow? Maybe =\.

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  • Abstract
    Nov 26, 04:20 PM



    Bought it. :D

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  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 18, 05:48 PM
    - Leopard
    - True video iPod
    - Hate to say it on this forum but......C2D Laptops ;)

    Like the man said "one of the most exciting new product years in Apple�s history.�

    I'll have one of each please :D
    I rather have a sandwich of all those things.

    Laptop as the bread.
    Leopard is the mayo.
    Got some real meat with C2D in there
    and 802.11N is some good cheese even though itll still have some holes in it like swiss
    All with wireless iTV

    and a true video ipod on top.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 26, 05:07 PM
    What a freaking RIP-OFF. You could buy 20 new songs a year for that instead (well not on Apple anymore sine they royally screwed everyone on some BS basis of "85 cents songs" to offset the "$1.29" ones except that as most of us predicted, there are hardly any 85 cents songs in existence yet a heck of lot of $1.29 ones. In other words, all they did was jack up prices to cover crap artists who can't sing and don't write their own songs and make farting noises and call it art.)

    Meanwhile, what good would this service do? Do you seriously think they're going to let you access your music that you did NOT buy from iTunes??? (i.e. your CD collection dumped to iTunes) NO WAY. You'd have to UPLOAD the entire library first. How LONG would that take? Ridiculous. Then you miss a payment and they delete it all.... It's far more likely it's only for songs you already bought (in which case you could already just 'buy' them again and download them for free; in other words the service is worthless).

    What most people would prefer I think is a flat fee music-on-demand service where you can listen to ANY music you want from the entire library. Pandora, Sonus, etc. already offer this service so Apple's "retrieve your own library online" is stupid, IMO. You could rent some storage somewhere and just upload your music there and download it anywhere on the Net WITHOUT APPLE even being involved. The whole thing strikes me as a cash grab from Apple to make you pay for the music you already paid for ALL OVER AGAIN. Bought 100 songs? 5 years you bought 'em again. No value.

    My entire music library is only 70GB in AAC without music videos. That would almost fit on an iPod Touch 64GB or USB 64GB stick as it is, let alone my Netbook which has 160GB on it and my MBP which has 500GB. So the ONLY way this service could be useful is if I could access ALL MY MOVIES from anywhere on the Net. That would require 2.6TB of storage, though. I don't see Apple covering that and I wouldn't even want to TRY to upload all those movies from my own library (and Apple doesn't even sell (let alone in good quality) 40% of them and 95% of the HD ones.

    No, a flat fee for unlimited rentals (music and movies) would be a good deal. I don't see Apple offering that any time soon, if EVER.


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  • ryanmcd02
    Jan 25, 08:26 PM
    The aforementioned reasons of poor market and low expectations for the next quarter.

    But what this also indicates is that the wealth effects of the poor market now will especially hurt Apple this year since Apple makes relatively expensive or high-end products. More expensive goods are more elastic; Apple's products are more affected by decreases in (perceived) wealth than cheaper goods. The price tag on the iPhone becomes much more important.

    Hopefully people will see they are going to get a $600 check from the stimulus package and decide they can afford an iPhone after all.

    I second that now may be the time to buy aapl, if the market does not continue to slide.

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  • JesterJJZ
    Jul 24, 06:12 PM
    Has the lag problem been fixed at all on the BT mice? Last time I used a BT mouse I found it to be useless. Unless it's JUST LIKE using a wired mouse I really could care less for it.


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  • Detlev_73
    Oct 23, 07:35 PM
    OMG, ROTFL!!!

    This is HILARIOUS! We should send this to all our so-called "friends" who use Windows.

    Well then...if this is the case, who needs XP or Vista? I may just install Windows RG on my macbook pro when I get it. And yes...we educated Windows RG users use only the best hardware. I'll be waiting for C2D too. :)

    For me, it's either Mac OS Windows RG. :rolleyes:

    For a preview of Windows RG: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/winrg.php

    :D ;)

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 25, 09:46 PM
    Hey Hey Hey, what gives? :confused::p

    Moyank24's vote for me especially hurts me- you cut me deeply :( When people were voting for you and momentum was gaining against you, I made sure to mention that YOU were a cleared Villager in the last game when I was Seer.

    NathanMuir, I understand. When I was WW in the game two games back, I think I killed you off. Sorry about that. I guess you carry a grudge, lol!

    * Never mind, questions deleted- I just re-read the OP *

    Just to be spiteful, I'm going to vote for NathanMuir, simply because he is voting for me. Neener Neener!!

    The pain will go away. And I promise that if the seer ever clears you, I won't vote for you.


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  • OneIzDead
    Apr 18, 08:15 PM
    Did you have these Gestures enabled before?

    i had to activate the multi-touch gestures with "Xcode", the new 4.3.2 update doesn't activate multi-touch....

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  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 13, 02:10 PM
    I'm not sure Apple would be able to add real value to a TV here.
    They always seem to choose less than stellar hardware and then add great Software for the Value Add and high profit margins.

    So I'm happy with my 2nd Gen Apple. TV as is.
    A TV is big commitment. I don't want to be flipping that every year.
    Besides its heavy and awkward.


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  • arogge
    Jun 18, 01:12 PM
    Check out today's Dilbert strip. It seems doubly relevant!


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  • twoodcc
    Nov 23, 09:29 PM
    Something just happened in the stats, we got a big jump and many teams too. Yet I don't think this is the whole catch up as we still miss points as a team and I still miss a big unit...

    That was enough to get us to #58 though, just by a hair...

    Yes indeed, we just passed club lexus, I'll have to take a look to see if I got my points back.

    yeah, but i still haven't gotten my points back yet


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  • iDrinkKoolAid
    Jul 24, 04:33 PM
    I haven't read all the comments, and I'm sure fifty billion people have already said this but I cannot help but blurt that "it's about friggin' time!!!" :)

    I own both the Mighty Mouse and the Apple Bluetooth mouse. When I use the Bluetooth mouse, I am constantly looking for some kind of scrolling mechanism and right-click functionality.

    Rant done, I would gladly ebay my Bluetooth mouse for this Mighty Bluetooth version. Hope it comes out sooner than later.

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  • jaster2
    Mar 31, 09:23 PM
    Let's see. How about putting back the option to have alarm alerts turned off if iCal is closed but still on if opened. Anyone who ever uses their laptop for presentations would be so happy to have that feature back. How about putting back the ability to click once on an item in Month view and seeing details. Seriously. Is the point to keep taking away functions and make it look super hokey?


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  • zombierunner
    May 3, 08:44 AM
    *sigh* Every time someone makes this mistake...

    Bear in mind that the US prices do not include sales tax of any kind. In your case Australian prices include GST which I believe currently runs at 10%? If you're anything like the UK there may be additional import taxes to pay and the cost of doing business is likely to be higher (everything from shipping costs to salaries affect the price you pay at the checkout). Add in a margain that Apple will calculate to protect themselves from changes in the exchange rate and you'll probably be very close to price parity. Just as in the UK you're paying extra for the product because of the country, not because of Apple.

    That's not to say Apple DON'T screw up on exchange rates and gouge the heck out of us non-Americans of course. The Mac Mini being the most recent, and painful, example. But you need to make sure you compare like for like before complaining.

    UK VAT is a total Bi#ch

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  • JackSYi
    Jul 24, 09:56 PM
    I would like a bluetooth mouse, however, changing the batteries is such a hassle.


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  • Socratic
    Apr 29, 06:10 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    At the moment the record labels are pretty much Apple's bitch. They don't like that, and in splitting the digital market (by giving a leg up -ie lower costing- to Amazon and probably a few others) they eventually restore their power to set the terms. Apple is a vendor for their product, yet is in almost complete control. That's normally the other way around.

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  • Ktulu
    Oct 23, 07:56 AM
    If Vista can run soley in a virtuallized environment without breaking the EULA, but not be installed on a machine that also is using it in a virtualized way. How does this affect anyone-(Mac or PC)?

    If I own a PC and I want to run Vista, why would I want to also run Vista, on the same machine, in a virtual environment?

    For Mac users, why would we want to install Vista-(via BootCamp) and then also use it under virtualization?

    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:

    Very confused about how this affects anyone?

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  • martingc
    Apr 14, 01:46 PM
    Why did you buy XCode, all you needed to have done was go to developers.apple.com and sign up for a free Dev account, once there, just download the older version (3.2.5) and install. The older version works fine and will enable the Gestures.

    Yes I do have Xcode installed and also I hace an Apple dev account, but I've had it for long and gestures were not enabled on the previous updates to my iPad. If nobody else can confirm gestures on their iPads then what you say might be the case, but I still cant understand why they were not enabled on the previous updates.

    Feb 12, 07:12 PM
    He makes me think of his father: in two or three years, Aaron Sorkin will put together a TV series where Charlie Sheen plays the (heretofore unmentioned) son of Jed Bartlett, who has somehow managed to become president...

    The Wasted Wing?It's happened before...

    Apr 13, 11:31 PM
    So am I the only one left with the original iPhone? Had it since Sep 2006. Was going to wait for the 5, but I'll just get a white 4 in a few weeks. I'm happy.

    The original smart phone.

    Apr 9, 12:38 AM
    Your brain after too many veggies...


    Apr 14, 01:15 PM
    Tried restoring and setting it up as new?

    Nope. I'd rather they fixed the bug, thanks. :)

    I realise this may well work, but it's a hassle and a half, so I'd rather avoid it if at all possible...

    Apr 28, 03:21 PM
    Is a fact that iPhones can not meet everyones needs some people want smart phones with a full keyboard some want an SD card. People will buy android phones over iPhones because they cater to their needs. I purchased my G2 because I wanted a full keyboard and a fast proccesor. I did not purchase an iPhone because I hate AT&T and I like SD cards and a file system.

    So yeah, you're a geek. Geeks aren't like normal people.