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selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed

selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • matt.shaver
    Jul 28, 10:30 PM
    I've been lurking around for sometime and now thought it was time to join MacRumors.com.

    At any rate, here's my take on Zune, Ipod, Apple and Microsoft. Yes, the facts are:

    1. Microsoft has purchased technologies and integrated them into their OS and/or corporate structure. When they needed a killer application for the xBox, they purchased Bungie. Heck, they didn't even create the NT kernel, purchased that one too.

    2. Apple too have purchased a few technologies along the way too. Final Cut Pro was purchased from Macromedia. iTunes (well it was not called that) was purchased too and released as a different product.

    But what I've not read is that Apple has invested a great deal of money into R and D. Without research and development, Apple would have floundered. When we take that R/D and couple it with the vision of Jobs, Apple has grown in terms that we only dreamed in the mid-90s. Jobs knew this would eventually happen. As CEO of Apple, he has a responsibility to the stock holders to keep that company breathing, but there is more. Apple's culture is deep with Steve. Steve Jobs is Apple. Both are iconic in nature. And Apple is the Mac and the iPod too. So what we have here are strong brand identities like Steve Jobs, Apple, Macintosh/Mac OS X and iPod, incredible brand images that people have come to trust.

    But don't forget Microsoft, the company that saved millions of desktop PCs with a GUI that nearly matched the sheer elegance of the Mac. However, people in the mid-90s loved MS, they could do no wrong. Win98 and NT had a great following. But something happened that many people underestimated - the Internet. Originally designed for Unix, now Windows and Mac clients were able to ride on that "super highway".

    Malicious hackers were writing viruses hand-over-fist attempting to crack and hack Windows machines. Did MS bring them on themselves? Perhaps another topic for another time.

    I personally think that MS's once strong iron-clad hold is beginning to weaken as the consumer no longer trusts them anymore. It's a joke to use Windows now. Restarts, spyware, pop-up ads, disfunctional software and hardware, incompatibility after incompatibility...it's like running around with a Ford Pinto. How much more can the average consumer take?

    Now enter xBox. Yea it's OK but tepid at best by squeezing the market at Christmas time.

    This Christmas is the Zune. MS is taking another shot at the consumer. Will they bite? Don't know because does the average consumer trust Microsoft?

    In the end, Steve has been preparing for this day for a long long time and as usual in his time Steve will provide us with a newly designed iPod and perhaps a few other things too.

    If there is something I learned when working with Apple, it's all about innovation, usability, presentation and execution. Without those four ingredients, Apple would just be another PC manufacturer.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • appleguy123
    May 1, 08:32 PM
    I think me and jav6454 are tied at one vote each.

    The 24 hour day started @ 4:21 yesterday. You reached one vote first. I don't think that this has ever happened before...

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 21, 11:27 PM

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc&feature=related :D

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. ieber kisses selena
  • ieber kisses selena

  • LoganT
    Apr 26, 08:31 PM
    If 30 million people like the song "My Hero" by Foo Fighters, 30 million people don't need to upload that same song. I predict the service will scan your library and then say "We've found 750 out of 775 matching tracks" and possibly allow you to upload the tracks that are not on iTunes. So instead of uploading 775 songs, you would only have to upload 25 songs.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. Justin Bieber and Selena
  • Justin Bieber and Selena

  • QuarterSwede
    Jul 12, 01:54 PM
    Noooo, not a grammar check! They are ALWAYS horrible!

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • -aggie-
    Apr 29, 04:07 PM
    Nice deflection. You've been on the offensive out of the gate in this game. I don't know what your h*rd-on is for me this game, but apparently I appear a good victim in your eyes. You've played these games a long time, and are a very good player, you know exactly how to tweak things to your advantage and this unusual hardball manner you're playing this game is telling.

    Deflection of what? Your act of desperation? Have some dignity and just die, so we can get on with another game. You and nies screwed this one up.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. Justin Bieber Rep Says
  • Justin Bieber Rep Says

  • Nobita
    Apr 13, 08:00 PM
    at&t ?, Verizon ? or both?

    It says both in the story.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • roar08
    Mar 11, 11:22 PM
    Got mine at Target today. No waiting. They had 10 16's and 5 64's, all black. A Target 10 minutes away had 5 16's - all white.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 28, 01:12 PM
    I'm honestly surprised by a lot of you. The whole "no single android phone outsells the iPhone!" argument, is foolish and weak. It's a platform war. You basically get ONE CHOICE with the iPhone. Now it's a great choice, but of course it's going to be a top seller as a result. There are so many good Android choices out there that a single model isn't going to dwarf the others. Since there are, you know, options? As a platform it seems iOS is getting whooped on. Does that not register, or are people that much in denial?

    Now myself, I like my iPhone, but come on...in this case we are talking about platforms...So weird...

    No, it's not a war; the only people who consider it a war are the people who will do anything to prove Apple isn't an innovative and in many ways cutting edge company. Competition? Yes. Competition is good. But if you really look, the majority of Android phones available on the open market sell for less than $100 and most of those sell for less than $50. So for Apple to offer its older model in the same price range is only leveling the field and proving that it's not just Android, but the price that is driving Android's sales so fast. Compete in the same ball fields at the same pricing and you see that Apple picks up many of those people who claimed they couldn't afford one or didn't want to switch to a different provider.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. Justin bieber and selena gomez
  • Justin bieber and selena gomez

  • Les Kern
    Apr 24, 11:04 AM
    Apple will eventually support every network, and with that lock up the cell market for a generation. Excellent plan: Start with ATT, prefect the phone, roll out perfected versions slowly, get their data center up offering some free cloud-based system, streamlining the app stores, thereby slowly but surely eating the market share of other vendors.
    Prediction: In 5 years only a few will have a fleeting memory of what Android was. Like the Palm Pilot.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • RonHC
    May 4, 09:23 AM
    damn, I planning on leaving for the Navy before August, this does not play well for me :(

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • jholzner
    Oct 18, 04:41 PM
    NICEEEE! I can't wait to see what they have in store for 2007 :D

    I wonder if he means calander year 07 or FY 07. If it's FY 07 we could see some of those products in the next three months :)


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • zombierunner
    Apr 15, 02:44 PM
    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    nope .. refresh happening in the next 3-4 weeks ... they want you to purchase the machine first then pay to upgrade to lion

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. Justin bieber kissing selena
  • Justin bieber kissing selena

  • miketcool
    Dec 1, 07:30 PM
    Most of these Mac attacks seem to be more predominant with social engineering hacks and user error, than comprised code.

    On a feTw occaszzzions I have noticed that MY CAT HAS A TENDENCY to hacsssk my laptop when I12212111113e'm trying to fill out threadwww replies on 432222222222222222 macrum2ors3. I'm thinking apple might still be AT FAULTQ ON THIS QONE.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 10:37 PM
    Killed in Islamabad, Pakistan. He was inside a mansion with some family. Can't believe he was hiding in plain sight, especially when It could have been easier for Pakistan which had been supposedly proactive in fighting the Taliban as well as Osama. Can't imagine this will help Pakistan-US ties in the least, rather strain them.

    Sound's unbelievable. LOL That's "hiding in caves" for you.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • morespce54
    Jul 26, 09:15 AM
    so would this be incorporated into the upcoming iPod, or the "next" update to the iPod?

    obviously in the next iPod (machine not sw) :(


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez kissing justin
  • selena gomez kissing justin

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 28, 06:32 PM
    I don't know if you know how math works, but there are no discounts for not having a subsidy. You don't factor in the cost of service, that is not relevant. You will pay that regardless of the handset device. My regular iPhone would cost that.

    What about someone with multiple accounts? The additional line is $10 a month. You failed to consider all the factors in your math.

    For people buying an expensive smartphone getting the 3GS is a good deal. Notice how they sell more of them then any other smartphone besides the iPhone 4, even when Android handset makers give away their product.

    The plan is part of the price, getting a 3GS without a plan would net you $449.

    And, you don't get an 3GS for $50 for an $10/month additional line. You need to pay for a real plan for that. And the least expensive would still net you more per month than you paid up front for the 3GS.

    Not sure why you bring up Android phones? I'm discussing the stupidity of getting a 3GS instead of a 4. Or for that matter a 4 instead of a 5.

    My math is correct.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • damage00
    Oct 1, 11:19 AM
    Nice explanation. It seems that the whole idea of cell towers is unworkable. You think it is bad in the cities? Even semi-rural areas have no coverage at all.

    There has to be an entirely new technology for this, or the use of satellites or aircraft instead of silly towers. C'mon Apple, solve this problem.

    That's like saying:
    Nice explanation. It seems that the whole idea of freeways is unworkable. You think traffic is bad in the cities? Even semi-rural areas have no pavement at all.

    There has to be an entirely new form of transportation for this, or the use of maglev or star trek transporters instead of silly roads. C'mon Toyota (maker of the Prius), solve this problem.

    I'm not picking on you, carlgo. I'm saying, what you suggest is a little like throwing the baby out with the dirty bath water.

    Cell works, and has been working since the mid-80's and trillions of calls have been successfully placed. Apple didn't design it so they don't get the credit or the blame -- all they did was bring a new gadget to market. It's not the tech that is bad, it's the implementation that is at fault.

    And it's AT&T's implementation that is to blame -- because it is cheap. Take a look at their stock price since the iPhone was introduced. They *want* $100 bucks every month from every customer in the US, but they aren't willing to reinvest enough of that into an infrastructure to support the number of customers they negotiated for.

    Corporations tend establish ad campaigns to counter bad press or customer concerns/complaints, not what they do well. For instance, AT&T has the iPhone and no one else does. That's good. You would think they want to tell the world about that. No. It runs television spots for their Samsung/LG/etc. but not the iPhone.

    On the other hand, AT&T has lousy coverage. Just look at your bars in SFO or NYC or even most of New Mexico -- doesn't matter where -- that's not a bandwidth issue. It's coverage. That's bad, so they advertise "more bars in more areas". These ads usually play on emotions, like two young lovers being separated, or they borrow on another organizations goodwill, like a company that gives shoes to the poor. They do not use demonstration or facts, because there aren't any. When I see these, I interpret them as the corporation's admission there is a problem.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing in bed. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Paul Graham
    Jan 26, 06:42 AM
    $90 shipped for 2TB on newegg. Can't beat that. (link (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136471))

    I already have one and just bought the very same again! Very good ext drives!

    Mar 16, 11:31 AM
    ROFL! No one in their right mind is going to swap an AT&T for a Verizon model when the GSM models are in such short supply.

    Well at lease I will have one to trade at the Apple store once they get some more in...we shall see who has the last laugh.

    I will be at the Brea Mall Satruday AM if anyone wants to trade or PM me.

    Nov 23, 03:38 PM
    Hi everyone, just joined the team.

    I have an iMac core duo going at it. She isn't much with her 1.83Ghz but it'll be at it 24h a day. It's about to complete it's first WU after 1day 19hours. It sounds a bit long to me compared to the times a say reading the thread, is this normal?

    Keep in mind some of the people in this thread are using Mac Pros.

    Which client are you using? Are both cores being used?

    Apr 28, 06:01 PM
    Sounds like a "who cares?" kind of thing, but that's actually kind of a big deal if it creates case fragmentation. Not good. Hopefully inaccurate.

    I'm sure Apple doesn't care wether or not 3rd party case manufactures have to change their cases because of their iPhone.

    Apr 24, 11:40 AM
    Just curious if you have any numbers to back that up? I honestly have no idea how Android fares up here. It'd be nice if they released numbers (have they?).

    Nope, just going by what I see around the bus/food court areas in downtown Montreal which is more anecdotal than factual. However, looking at world-wide market share numbers, it's not hard to see the trends and outside the US, the iPhone hasn't had "carrier exclusivity" for quite a while.

    Thinking that the reason the iPhone "lags" in market share is because of some kind of carrier exclusivity that just got ended 2 months ago is quite the US Centric view.

    Oct 18, 04:31 PM
    Mac sales really have been increasing the past couple of quaters. Hopefully, those new Mac buyers continue buying Apple products. Also, It's a good thing I own some Apple stock. :D