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oprah winfrey show 2010

oprah winfrey show 2010. oprah winfrey show episode
  • oprah winfrey show episode

  • cosmokanga2
    May 3, 09:04 AM
    Sweet new iMacs but the animations on the apple.com/iMac image gallery on the iPad are so cool!

    oprah winfrey show 2010. “The Oprah Winfrey Show” sunk
  • “The Oprah Winfrey Show” sunk

  • FireStar
    Nov 1, 08:28 PM
    Please. :)


    oprah winfrey show 2010. Oprah Winfrey Fights Over
  • Oprah Winfrey Fights Over

  • turbobass
    Apr 25, 01:01 PM
    I hope by "next week" they mean "tomorrow"...

    oprah winfrey show 2010. oprah winfrey show episodes
  • oprah winfrey show episodes

  • thatisme
    May 3, 07:47 AM
    still no return to the 24"... the perfect screen size for a good chunk of potential buyers, IMO


    oprah winfrey show 2010. Ownoprah winfrey network show
  • Ownoprah winfrey network show

  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 11:26 AM
    This is fun.
    Yes, the iPhone does compete against Android. The last time I went into a AT&T or Verizon store, this was obvious. To say that the iPhone does not compete against Android is silly.

    WRONG. iPhone = hardware. Android = software.
    iOS competes against Android.

    Because there is only two hardware choices, the iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS. Making this argument is so empty, in that it does not take into account the reasons behind it.

    WRONG. The choice is iPhone OR any Android phone OR any Win7 Phone OR any RIM phone, etc.

    Hello Mr. Straw man. The article was about iPhone; if you read it it states "covering U.S. mobile phone sales". Now, if by mobile OS, you are also adding in the iPad, that is debatable. I've been a iPad 3G owner since April 30th and I can tell you that I do not consider the iPad a mobile device. Sure, its easy to carry, but to lump in its sales with phone handset sales is a stretch. If you are making that stretch, how about adding netbooks into the mix as well?

    If those netbooks ran Android, I'd count them. But they don't. And YOU'RE bringing up straw men? Phone versus non-phone makes no difference if they're running the same OS and same apps.

    When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.

    In your mind maybe. But only in your mind.

    PS: Handset OS sales? What the hell does that mean?

    oprah winfrey show 2010. on The Oprah Winfrey Show
  • on The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 13, 03:07 PM
    Id love to see a new standard for "HD". 1440p would be nice...but current media would have to catch up. That said, I dont think Apple could make a cost effective television. Sorry, but theyd sell a 42inch TV for 2000.000 easy.

    Are you kidding Sony sells that Apple would make it a unibody aluminum tv and price it 5000 easy.:eek:

    It would sport of course Airplay and Retinal on a 60" model in other words 4K TV for the masses. :-P


    oprah winfrey show 2010. Oprah Gail Winfrey (born
  • Oprah Gail Winfrey (born

  • steadysignal
    Apr 15, 06:57 AM
    Now I'd just wait for the iPhone 5

    as will most.

    this white phone delay seems rather odd.

    hopefully those who wanted the color will now finally be able to get one.

    oprah winfrey show 2010. The Oprah Winfrey Show,
  • The Oprah Winfrey Show,

  • appleguy123
    Apr 25, 04:36 PM
    Moyank24 because she is a woman who won't give me cheap sammiches. Sounds wolfish to me. :D
    I'll change my vote if any good evidence shows up.


    oprah winfrey show 2010. Oprah Winfrey, who celebrates
  • Oprah Winfrey, who celebrates

  • Fotek2001
    Aug 17, 09:44 AM
    Dunno if this was posted, but Safari lets you resize text boxes within pages:

    http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8060/picture28by6.th.png (http://img502.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture28by6.png)
    http://img272.imageshack.us/img272/6174/picture29ps1.th.png (http://img272.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture29ps1.png)

    Would be better if it worked like OmniWeb and allowed you to open a resizable floating window for the text.

    oprah winfrey show 2010. Trailer of #39;Oprah Winfrey
  • Trailer of #39;Oprah Winfrey

  • rmrt84
    Apr 22, 05:58 AM
    This settles it:

    Image (http://www.emptyhouse.net/fileshuttle/samsungphone_21e9.jpg)

    that samsung looks like it came out from 1975


    oprah winfrey show 2010. Written on February 7, 2010
  • Written on February 7, 2010

  • mondesi43
    Apr 15, 01:39 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?

    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    oprah winfrey show 2010. at The Oprah Winfrey Show
  • at The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • TheMacFeed
    Jan 31, 03:06 PM
    New battey grips for both of my dslr's, And two new bags, Well the Nikon bag is new but the Pullman is a well looked afer bag I had from years ago.
    New iphone dock in background...


    Why have a Canon and a Nikon? Does that not mean you have to buy lenses for both?


    oprah winfrey show 2010. #420Oprah Winfrey
  • #420Oprah Winfrey

  • Edmoil12
    Apr 21, 10:56 PM
    All I'm saying is that if, in the event Apple, or ANY other company REMOVES once-standard features ... to later then call them 'luxary' features ... those companies deserve a big round of boos from us - the consumers. That's a pathetic and cynical way to try to goose sales for your higher end products.

    Fair enough, but it seems all we can do as consumers is vote with our dollars if we don't like it.

    oprah winfrey show 2010. of The Oprah Winfrey Show
  • of The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • damixt
    Mar 16, 09:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    They let us inside of Cerritos today looks like they might have some, about 50 people in line.


    oprah winfrey show 2010. on The Oprah Winfrey Show
  • on The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • houdinize
    Jun 6, 10:50 AM
    If this was on an iPod Touch isn't there a mb cutoff where you have to use your computer, or is that just for 3G and just a suggestion when on wifi?

    oprah winfrey show 2010. on the Oprah Winfrey Show
  • on the Oprah Winfrey Show

  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 22, 07:50 PM
    Ooh, the iPhone Air :rolleyes:

    Home button looks nasty as does the tear drop shape. IF this is what the next iPhone looks like, I'll be standing in line....for iPhone 6


    oprah winfrey show 2010. on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
  • on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

  • jbh001
    Oct 23, 12:41 PM
    But to answer your question, even if there were a legal restriction, there is definitely not any technical restriction that would prevent it from being installed in a VM anywhere.

    What about Vista Authorization/Activation/Validation (whatever it's called).

    You know, its the internet/telephone grovelling-for-permission-to-use-the-software part that comes after you've paid the latest installment of the Bill Gates friendship dues ... uh, I mean: purchased the new product.

    oprah winfrey show 2010. The Oprah Winfrey Show
  • The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • jhu
    Oct 24, 06:08 PM
    No, incorrect Dave. Its pretty evident. Business edition or better to run in a virtual environment regardless of the platform the VM is hosted on. End of discussion.

    the wording is rather ambiguous. we know a priori that microsoft's intention is not to allow running home edition on a virtual machine. however, this is not evident in how the eula is worded. as i've mentioned before, it can be interpreted a few ways. on the other hand there's the provision for not allowing the software to run on "virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware." where exactly does this stop? can it be run on an fpga? in some sense, all current x86 processors are emulating the instruction set. so would that leave the original pentium processor the only processor allowed by the eula? does running the software on a transmeta processor constitute "otherwise emulated hardware"? i'm wondering how and why legal departments like to come up with such ambiguous and unclear wording.

    oprah winfrey show 2010. on Oprah Winfrey Show
  • on Oprah Winfrey Show

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 13, 07:53 PM
    Apple makes monitors. Apple makes Apple TV2s. Take the back panel off the monitor. Insert Apple TV2. Put back panel on. Apply duct tape. BOOM. A smart tv.

    Rodimus Prime
    Oct 1, 02:28 PM
    All emergency calls are placed on a separate priority line/ or are given preference over all other calls at any point in time.

    On top of that they will grab the tower with the best signal no matter what carrier it is on.

    If you place a 911 call from an ATT phone and T-Mobile has a better tower in the area then you can sure as hell bet that the phone will be going to that tower.

    emergency mode on a phone is very different than a normal call. It has the power to kick others off the line and you are given more dedicated bandwithe for the phone.

    Small White Car
    Apr 11, 01:36 PM
    Could someone clarify this for me: Aren't hard drives too slow to make use of Thunderbolt anyway?

    I haven't read for sure, but I'm guessing these products are RAIDed for speed, not redundancy.

    How many drives are in there? It's possible they've got the speeds up pretty high on them.

    Apr 26, 07:48 PM
    Yes I understand now

    Apr 22, 12:17 AM
    Play the Sue Me, Sue You Blues (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2JIexhpMNs).
    LOL, If you don't want an iPhone... don't buy it type of song :)

    Sounds to me like the real insecure one here is maclaptop, if thats the mindset you have going on concerning phones and image.

    My Mac Laptop is secure, Lion told me so ;)

    May 4, 01:56 PM
    This "story" is hilarious. Only people who have never worked customer service would ever believe any part of this.

