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oprah winfrey network channel

oprah winfrey network channel. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • arn
    Apr 11, 01:39 PM
    Could someone clarify this for me: Aren't hard drives too slow to make use of Thunderbolt anyway? In a typical USB 2.0 external hard drive, what is the bottleneck in speed: The speed at which the hard drive spins, or the USB 2.0 connection? If it's the USB, then why do people even care about the RPM of a drive? If it's the RPM, then isn't USB 2.0 fast enough to run a hard drive at its native speed?


    The bottleneck is (or can be) USB 2.0. Most people who worry about RPM aren't buying hard drives to be placed in external USB drives. Internal drives run on the faster SATA interface. Also, RAID enclosures makes the difference even greater, as you can access data faster.


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  • zin
    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    If they're going to make it a substantial upgrade to the display, then I can't see them calling this iPhone 5...

    The increase in number for each model has worked okay until now, but I don't know.. it's getting to the point where it's sounding stupid. I can see "iPhone 4GS" working, but iPhone 5 or iPhone 6? Meh...

    And the design of the enlarged display in that mock-up looks ugly, in my opinion.

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  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 23, 07:25 PM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P

    It does. Apple most likely is testing their Qualcomm GSM/CDMA world phone to see how well it works on their network.

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  • TwistedPain
    Apr 28, 03:55 PM
    If this is true, I'll be highly disappointed. I wonder how long till case makers respond or if they will even bother?

    I'll take photos as soon as my verizon shipment comes in. (Most likely by Monday).


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  • Legion93
    May 1, 10:28 PM
    What's going to happen with Pakistan relations? If he was in the capitol of Pakistan in a mansion, most likely the government knew.

    He was captured in the region/border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. No, the army and government is not contributing to any Taliban or insurgency attacks, just like the afghan army. They are supported by allied forces.

    oprah winfrey network channel. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • NYC Russ
    May 3, 08:51 AM
    And yet prices in the Australian Apple Store are still 25% higher than the USA Store. How rude, Apple.

    Top end 27" iMac = US$1999, or in the Australian Store, AUD$2299 which at the current exchange rate is about US$2500. Why should we pay more, Apple? If anything, we're closer to China so should pay less on shipping!

    Whilst it's slightly better than yesterdays prices, I'm still seriously not happy.
    I'd buy one if we got the USA prices.Does Australia have a VAT? The U.S. doesn't.


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  • mBox
    Jan 31, 12:40 PM
    Classic... Now he is reportedly checking into rehab. Anybody else catch some of the pictures of him. Kind of reminds me of his Ferris Bueller character!Saw Red Dawn over the week-end. Nice to see he outlived WWIII ;)

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  • martingc
    Apr 14, 01:14 PM
    I've just downloaded the update on my iPhone and iPad and i noticed that on the iPad (not iPhone) in the General Setings now there is now a multitouch gestures button to enable this function. It suports 4 fingers up to show the app switcher, 4 fingers to the sides to switch apps and 5 fingers to the centre to go to the home screen.

    It works great!


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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 20, 09:54 PM
    How can you tell how many cores its using?

    With top in the command line or with activity monitor (utilities/activity monitor); you can see how many cores are running.

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  • EricNau
    Apr 27, 06:18 PM
    Moderator Note

    It's been brought to our attention that the Rules for Appropriate Debate (http://guides.macrumors.com/Help:Rules_for_Appropriate_Debate) have not been followed in this thread. The level of discourse does not meet our expectations. Users need to be respectful of all other users, regardless of personal opinions.

    Many users have spent a great deal of time defending their ideals, in response to posts that we'd have to remove under the rules, so we've decided to issue this reminder, leave the previous posts as they are, and ask your cooperation both in following the rules and in reporting posts that do not. Thank you.


    oprah winfrey network channel. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 28, 04:18 PM
    OMG... it's .2mm thicker. STOP THE PRESSES!

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 13, 07:53 PM
    Have you been reading the recent rumors regarding the next iPhone release? That's the whole point of releasing the white iPhone 4 now, IMO. It's tying people over until iPhone 5, which will almost definitely not see the light of day at WWDC.

    IMO it just seems odd for Apple to break from tradition like that and not do a refresh. Who knows, your guess is as valid as mine!


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  • macenforcer
    Jul 25, 10:20 AM

    Been waiting for this sucker.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 12, 05:51 PM
    The Thunderbolt Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunderbolt_(interface)) has a diagram showing the TB controller's access to things. The accompanying description ("Thunderbolt can be implemented on graphics cards, which have access to DisplayPort data and PCI express connectivity, or on the motherboard of new devices, such as the MacBook Pro.[5][17][22]") implies that a TB compatible PCIe graphics card could bring older systems up-to-date. That would be interesting.

    Great find. Let's hope Apple releases a card for the Mac Pro.

    The only connection I want going to my laptop is power. Everything else needs to be wireless. That is winning, duh. ;)

    Induction charging will get rid of that one day too, I hope.


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  • Ugg
    May 1, 10:47 PM
    Obama's speech was awesome

    I agree.

    It's a good feeling that Osama is dead. It's not the end of al Qaeda, but it's the end of the first chapter of this ten year old war.

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  • southernpaws
    Apr 22, 03:26 PM
    The fact is, we've been through this before. The iPhone 1 was going to be a huge failure because it didn't have 3G. They were concerned about coverage and battery life. It's the same issue now.

    People are saying apple should make those sacrifices now to keep up with technology. But nobody is addressing the fact that apple has historical evidence that this is a sound approach.


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  • SuperCachetes
    Dec 31, 10:48 PM
    ...God, not religion...

    I'll be honest: I don't know what the heck that even means.

    ...I read every post and I understood them all...

    No. You didn't. I am not judging her, and there are many here who aren't. I merely want all people to be accountable for their impact on society. For example, you are probably more healthy than I am. That's awesome. I truly hope you have the ability to pay lower insurance premiums than me. Why would I begrudge you that - I outweigh you by 50 lbs, and smoked for 25 years. But I'll tell you one thing - I run 15 miles a week now, trying to reclaim every last smidgen of lung capacity I can find. And, I've dropped 15 pounds in the last 6 weeks. And all just because I know I should. Think of how great it would be if there was financial incentive, to boot!

    ...my argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    Please stop assuming there is a "line." It can be a sliding scale. "Healthiness" can be measured with a variety of metrics (BMI, blood pressure, blood chemistry, etc) and there is no reason that numbers compared to numbers have to be judgmental. It doesn't have to be "healthy" vs. "unhealthy." That said, countless government agencies and private groups have decided what qualifies as "obese." The info is out there. People blow it off because there are no repercussions, no liability one way or the other.

    I would argue that accepting a lifestyle that has a much higher likelihood of illness or death doesn't necessarily mean mental illness. What about adventure seekers? Is climbing Everest a sign of mental illness? The likelihood of dying is high, and honestly, some would say that you have to be crazy to do it, but people still praise the behavior, and don't label the person with a mental illness.


    Guys, it really is possible that she just LOVES food. I've met people like that. They are great chefs and are very over weight because they love food. Not because they have some kind of mental deficiency.

    I really LOVE alcohol. I have been known to drink three bottles of wine, a half-bottle of whiskey, or a twelve-pack of beer in an evening. I don't do it to get drunk, I just really like the stuff. Are you cool with chipping in for my liver transplant? :cool:

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  • steve knight
    Apr 17, 09:40 PM
    http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6113/unledxm.jpg (http://img822.imageshack.us/i/unledxm.jpg/)

    Look What fun i've got ahead of me :(

    thats nothing I show 15 hours.

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  • nies
    Apr 25, 11:54 PM
    and going back to read the narrative... whats a gallapagos? apparently i discovered it but seem to not know what it is..

    Apr 28, 11:08 PM
    Seriously, why not an Imac with touch-screen right now? Will we need to wait for the next iMac update to see this technology implemented?

    Apple is surely working on it:

    And, besides that, OS X Lion will be 100% focused on touch technology... and we�re not talking about an Ipad OS...

    Are you planning on nursing your iMac in your lap?:rolleyes:

    Apr 28, 11:28 AM
    Yes, the iPhone does compete against Android. The last time I went into a AT&T or Verizon store, this was obvious. To say that the iPhone does not compete against Android is silly.

    Silly how? iPhone is a hardware and Android is an OS. This is apple v.s. meat. It's not even fruit v.s. fruit :rolleyes:

    .... Again, the article was about the iPhone vs. Andriod handset sales, not the tablet sales. Another Straw Man approach to a comment about iPhone handset sales.


    When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.

    Since you are talking about "sale". Can you list any Androids device that outsell the iPhone?
    ---->>>>>>> Buy one get one free --> only 1 device make money, the second is free. So, for 100 Androids devices got on the customers' hand, only 50 of them are "sold".

    Apr 12, 05:11 PM
    its all good. the bionic will be out soon.

    I kind of want to switch to verizon just for that phone. But i hate CDMAs so its a touch choice.

    Mar 31, 10:33 AM
    interface looks complete, let's just hope that skin can be changed.

    Jul 25, 08:08 AM
    Hey, Bluetooth MM can operate on 1 or 2 AA batteries. :eek:
    Does this mean we will get a longer battery live than the previous one?