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conan the barbarian 2011 movie

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  • cantthinkofone
    Oct 20, 08:41 PM

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  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 23, 10:13 PM
    C'mon Apple, show T-Mobile some love'n...

    Maybe I'll buy my first ever iPhone!... But not in too much of a rush... Just purchased a MBA this past November, my first ever laptop... before that the 3G 64GB iPad 1 in June... and just got my iMac repaired to the tune of $200 bucks... so I can wait for either T-Mo to get their version of the iPhone or the merger with ATT to gain access, while I pay off my Apple debt and saving some dinero for some more Apple goodies! :apple::cool:

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  • miamialley
    Mar 31, 04:12 PM
    Yeah that's really ugly.

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    Apr 25, 07:57 AM
    For all the T-Mobile users just keep your fingers crossed and hope that the merger doesn't pass. wouldn't it be really nice to finally have an iphone at an affordable rate.:o

    why do people believe this is possible? Apple will not allow one carrier to undersell the other on the SAME DEVICE...just won't happen it's bad for sales...which is why there is no competition between AT&T and Verizon...similar plans on voice text and data...otherwise everyone would play carrier swap every few month to get the best deal...if Tmobile gets the iPhone while still independent from AT&T you better believe you won't get unlimited everything for 70 bucks


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  • Harker
    Apr 24, 04:35 PM
    Oh please, get off your PC high horse for a second and come back to reality. Yeah, no one should get beat up and bullied. I'd also love for the world to be filled with rainbows and unicorns all the time too. However, if I walk around drunk in a bad part of town flashing a suitcase full of cash, well I shouldn't be shocked that I get robbed. I know people don't like to take personal responsibility for their actions these days and everyone's ready to sue someone else because nothing is ever their fault. But most reasonable people should realize that being drunk in the ghetto as a transgendered guy isn't the brightest idea.

    Not "the brightest idea"?

    What difference does it make exactly?

    Does it make her any less assaulted?

    Does it make a video of of her assault and outing any less all over the internet?

    Does it make the perpetrators justified?

    Does it make it OK that nobody properly intervened?

    But none of that is important really. You think she's stupid. You think expecting a basic level of human rights and dignity, that's the same as expecting the world to be filled with rainbows and unicorns all the time.

    Just dimiss it and carry on with your life.

    There's nothing you can change.

    Donating (http://www.glccb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=34&Itemid=97) probably (http://www.survivorproject.org/support.html) doesn't help.

    Writing to your (http://www.senate.gov/) representatives (http://www.house.gov/)? What's the point?

    Volunteering (http://www.glccb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30&Itemid=48) isn't an option.

    Letting McDonalds know (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html) your custom requires them to work to prevent this in the future, why bother?

    And, most pointless of all, developing your own understanding of trans issues, becoming a trans advocate and ally in your own life, and simply unreservedly condemning discrimination and violence against trans people without telling people how it is their own fault.. well, that's like rainbows and unicorns.

    The world is an awful place. And you have your own problems, we've all got our own problems. People should just be more careful. Less stupid.

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  • hobbyrennfahrer
    Jan 31, 12:19 PM
    from here ricardo.ch (http://www.ricardo.ch)

    i live in switzerland :cool:


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  • brainwave89
    Jun 16, 07:36 AM
    There was no reason why this issue shouldn't have been resolved at the Apple store level. That store manager deserves needs to be enlightened.

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  • nobunaga209
    Jan 29, 10:41 PM

    To add to my earlier post....delivered today, 2008 Honda CBR1000RR; custom paint work, rear tire hugger, Taylormade exhaust, hot bodies under tail, power commander, shorty shift levers, custom pegs, etc and many more yummy upgrades to come. :D


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  • nw_mike
    Dec 1, 03:33 PM
    Once someone 'proves' that installation into your System folder, NOT your user space, can be done without an Administrative account THAT will be newsworthy. Making Safari launch a certain web page can be done with preference/.plist files. These are in the USER space. I have yet to see or hear about a compromise of Mac OS X 10.4.8 that does Administrative tampering using a non-admin account (without physical access to the machine). Now I, and many others have submitted feedback to Apple that they have to include, in initial setup of a Mac system, the requirement of setting up a non-admin account. This is security 101 and something neither MS or Apple currently requires. Once you are an Admin all bets are off. We have all seen the installers that you double click and don't require a password to install. Scary. Apple needs to REMAIN diligent on security, but they are not totally lax like some suggest.

    just my .02

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  • Willis
    Oct 24, 08:19 AM
    WOW, double memory and larger HD's.. 80-120... thats amazing. Will be interesting to see when the Macbooks get their update next year.


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  • MacVault
    Nov 4, 06:28 AM
    That native partion support to use virtualization or dual booting would be awesome, having the best of both worlds (Boot Camp & Virtualization). I look forward to it!

    YES! That would be sweeeeet!

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  • l.w41sh
    Apr 28, 09:40 PM
    So does this mean I can't replace the back of my black iPhone 4 with white glass?


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  • lordonuthin
    Nov 26, 02:28 AM
    i hope they do. we'll see.

    in the meantime, i'm thinking about putting a few video cards in my 2006 mac pro to fold with - since it's only getting like 3500 ppd running the smp client. i know i'll have to run windows to do the GPU2 client for now, but it might be worth it.

    does anyone know if this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133304) card will work? and could i put 2 or 3 or 4 in there?

    The GeForce 9800 will work from what I have seen, thy this thread for more info. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=461892) and here (http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1322096) google "gpu folding" to find all kinds of info

    Let us know how it goes if you do get one to try.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 06:22 AM
    Ah. You mean similar as to how Apple purchased NeXT and based OS X on their NeXTSTEP OS?

    Give it up. This has been discussed to death already.

    See above.

    You really think OS X is just a rip off NeXTSTEP?

    As you said its based and a lot of things were shared but it isn't like they said; here's OSX, NeXTSTEP build by Apple.

    OSX shares a lot from the opensource community; so does windows;, Android, Symbian, etc etc.

    What's the big deal?


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  • jav6454
    Apr 25, 09:30 PM
    That doesn't mean anything. 12 divided by 5 has a remainder of 2. You and Plutonius where at the last two on the list of players.


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  • PBG4 Dude
    Apr 14, 02:11 PM
    Another pointless 666MB download for probably less than 1MB of actual update. Can Apple learn to patch its products more efficiently?

    I wish! Have to download iPhone4, iPad 1 and iPad 2 updates, so roughly 2GB of data just for what is probably a few minor changes.


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  • Tommyg117
    Aug 15, 02:28 PM
    thank goodness for the ichat upgrades.

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  • true777
    Oct 24, 09:04 AM
    Very nice update... solid machines. I bought my MBP 17" 3 months ago, so I think I'll wait for OS 10.5 next year, and hopefully the next revision of these babies until I upgrade... though it *is* tempting right now.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 30, 11:00 AM
    Yes, and that matters to consumers....how?

    Well it matters in it explains why AAC is only really in higher end devices. Lower end stuff is not going to support it because that is one of many ways to cut cost.

    Boils down to this
    MP3 plays in everything. AAC is hit or miss.

    Apr 29, 04:52 PM
    Anyone who says they would gladly pay twice as much for 256 aac than 256 mp3 is clearly brainwashed. The difference between the two at that bitrate is microscopic! At 128 kps then maybe we can talk about differences, but not 256. Amazon wins this battle.

    And yes, I'd prefer to just buy the cd myself and rip it into whatever bitrate and codec I wanted (preferrably lossless).

    Apr 13, 03:24 PM
    Fact is apple Does not like to play by the rules. They want to have their products run on different accessories and what not. Apple does not believe in some of the other common things such as Blu-ray. Will piss you off when the standard wall mounts do fit and you have to buy the apple ones that cost 55% more. Basically Apple will not want to play with the other manufacturers not be the ones with universal remote codes. Be the company that doesn't place HDMI out on the TV because they don't believe 7.1 surround sound is worth anything.

    Stop being a fool.

    The Mac Mini has HDMI out. Why on Earth would Apple not include HDMI on a television? Also, my Harmony remote has no problem mimicking the AppleTV remote.

    Don't panic
    Apr 17, 11:58 PM
    i'll play, mostly to annoy aggie. ;)
    but i won't ask any clarification on the rules so the usual suspect can keep complaining about being ambushed.

    i am on vacation with family, therefore there will be little posting till next tuesday (not sure when the game will start). i'll make sure to at least vote.

    Apr 30, 08:28 AM
    I guessing you been living under a rock.. Because my Truck CD Player plays AAC, PS3, Xbox360, PSP, DSi, 3DS, my wife and daughter's Android phone all play AAC.. The list can go on... Google is your friend....

    I'm talking about portable music players that store music with a hard drive or flash memory that are NOT the Apple iPod models. In that case, it's only the higher-end players that support the AAC format, unless you buy Sony's current Walkman line of portable music players.

    Apr 26, 12:18 PM
    I hope MobileMe will be free. Syncing with Google via exchange on iOS is decent but there are too many quirks, like not being able to put in custom fields for contacts phone numbers and email addresses (i.e. John Home), and archiving messages when the trash can button is pressed, etc. Also, I want to move away from google calendar because it has been so unreliable these days. So sick of seeing "Oops, we were unable to save this event. Please try again later" after I just spent 2 minutes typing it all in.