A recent blog by Haskell Harris at Belle Decor led me to a smart site with authentic looking travel bags. BillyKirk Leathergoods has captured the look of a bag that is timeless. Isn't it time we stop LOGOing everything- One of these bags-I think maybe the green- I plan to have. There is a good looking Day Bag, but I prefer the larger Overnite Bag. It will serve as handbag, work bag, overnite bag- but, mostly for work- transporting rooms by way of fabric samples, trims.. pictures of what might be.

the great "Overnite Bag"
That find was good enough- But after an inquiry- Chris Bray of the same- has shared two great artists to take a look at. Here they are-
Heirantiques makes a strong statement in bronze with a swag door decoration. It is cast from a French carved wood architectural detail. The swag's scale is monumental for its use, about 16 1/2". A stark contrast to a minimalist single hook. Nice- but I prefer Form, Function and Decoration. This design provides it all.

Doing botanicals as artists might become an obsession. I can imagine the artist obsessing over every flower they see, stopping by the wayside to pinch a flower- do they do that? Thumbing through specimen classifications? Looking for something that makes what they do NEW? Artist Agnes de Bethune looks at things this way, "I often enjoy the abstract qualities of so-called realistic painting and the illusionistic moments in work that is intended to be abstract. But I have never been one to look up and see images in the clouds; to me they are just clouds. What I look for is the calligraphy in the brushwork. Ultimately it boils down to my love for the gesture made by a human hand." Her work is far less botanical and more pure flower power. I find the size of her work to be one of the most compelling things about them.
Agnes de Bethune with some of her flowers

This photograph I used in a recent topic prompted Chris Bray to comment that it reminded him of Agnes' paintings. The painting Little Pink Rose by the artist put me in mind of the photograph. The Little Pink is less realistic than some of her works.
photograph of ROSA WOODSII

Agnes de Bethune's painting Little Pink Rose(9 x12)

Here are some of my favorite paintings in her most recent work- One would be striking in itself. A trio even better. Go to her site-What is your favorite?
Dandelion (30 x 30) by Agnes de Bethune

Wild Blue Chicory (30x 30) Agnes de Bethune

Red Poppy (30 x 30) Agnes de Bethune