Boredoms - Ant 10 (DJ Lindstrom Remix)
I'll be honest with you, if all of music sounded like this I would not be the first to complain. Lindstrom aka "DJ Lindstrom" remixes the Boredoms for Super Roots 10. I know, right? PS, it's really weird. It sounds like someone doing a mix of ten different things rather than making one long track. Which is sort of what Lindstrom's stunning live show amounted to, him making a big mix of himself. The end sounds like Magma, all turgid operatic vocals and wonky chords.
I chose this picture by googling 'boredom' and found this work, apparently inspired by the effects of a bored state. Despite its obvious visual appeal, it's worth noting that it basically already looks like a boredoms album cover.
Recently my band members brought it to my attention that my songs are occasionally lacking in firm structure. This is true. I think it comes from enjoying music like this lindstrom remix, that flows and grows rather than moves in discrete repeated chunks. This sounds like a good idea to make use of in your jam-based rock band but it's quite difficult. It's matter of answering the question: how are you going to reckon with your own private language? Are you going to start translating bits and pieces of it into elements that others can understand, or are you going to be schizo-hardliner about it? I choose life.