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every dog deserves its day


the photograph of a beloved family. my dearest family of friends- every last one including the 2 beasts of a dog.  told by my father for many years- "you do love dog flesh"- & I do. I can think of no substitute for the companionship of the dog.
No, she has one.
No, she has two-
and now 2 dogs-Argos and Sophie- Pulsing Weimaraners.
Doubtless any of these family members feel the same about these 2.
Ah! the stories they could  tell. The stories she tells are quite something, so certainly their rival versions would curl your ears. Argos- the year old gumby can sit you down and wrap himself around you in a modestly proportioned club chair. You are surprisingly comfortable- Argos is akin to an alpaca blanket. He is quite settled. Surely you can guess- Argos is the sprawled one-center stage. Sophie, ever the lady, in the forefront-observing, admiring her charges. Sophie knows all.
Whether you prefer the galumphing sort, the temerarious, gregarious or the raucous sort, often the dearest held are the oddest proportions of these. My own "pet" breed right now is something of them all, making each day a "treat."

What's the build up for? The most charming, delightful and soulful film I have seen in some time.

Dean Spanley
 It might just be the perfect film.

Peter O'Toole. Sam Neill, Jeremy Northam, Brian Brown.

streaming on Netflix, and on youtube as well. If you have seen it-let me know, If not. Do- and let someone else on on this little masterpiece- every deserves its day.
& if you have an English dog-you may already know it- if unknown to you Sir-no thanks is needed.
