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Marella Agnelli's New York


 the Warhol portrait

Marella Agnelli's New York residence-designed by architect PETER MARINO
a Sotheby's auction of the contents took place in 2004.
The rooms are photographed by ERIC BOMAN.

Here-Some of the most heavenly rooms with furniture from the Golden Age of Russian furniture (1780-1840)
A. Cheneviere notes in RUSSIAN FURNITURE THE GOLDEN AGE- the wildly popular "seat furniture" and cabinetry of mahogany was produced throughout Russia -not just in St Petersburg and Moscow. Not only that, the style referred to as Jacob (no connection with the French Jacob style) was coveted by the bourgeois and Imperial Russia-namely at Pavlosk and Tsarskoe Selo.

at Capote's Black and White Ball
Marella Agnelli wearing Mila Schon


looking into the DRAWING ROOM

How the Drawing Room manages to be "warm" and opulent can only be contributed to the talents of Marino. Using provincial patterns on Louis XV period "chaises & fauteuils a la reine" along with Aubusson tapestry, Victorian style tufted settees and sofas in carmine velvet or ruby velvet gauffrage in all melds. The tenor of the room evokes Russian winters wrapped in midnight lapis velvet walls, layers of antique carpets, mahogany and lacquered furniture.

a matched pair of Louis XVI Ormolu-ebony & Japanese & European
cabinets on stands- circa 1785, stamped C.C Saunier,JME (from Sotheby's catalog)

Fine examples of the Russian Jacob revolution are in the Agnelli Dining Room. No to mention sets upon sets of Russian Imperial porcelains dating from the period of Catherine II. The table and serving cupboard are German-of the same period.

 a fine set of Russian Neoclassical chairs circa 1790.

a set of ten Russian brass mounted mahogany Dining chairs circa 1790. A pair of identical armchairs is in the Library of the Empress at Pavlovsk Palace.

(enlarge the photographs to read the Sotheby's text)


A rare Russian Neoclassical ormolu mounted and brass inlaid mahogany and part-ebonized desk circa 1805, attributed to Heinrich Gambs.(Sotheby's catalog)

photograph of Marella Agnelli on the desk
by Richard Avedon, wearing Balenciaga

portrait of Olga de Meyer
Donna Olga Caracciolo Dei Duchi Di Castelluccio

There are countless pieces not touched upon here in the Sotheby's 2004 catalog- anyone interested in decorating, Russian Neoclassic furniture, Peter Marino's work, or Marella Agnelli should track down and own a copy at once.

see some recent RUSSIAN JACOB Acquisitions of THERIEN & CO. here.


all photographs from SOTHEBY'S New York October 23, 2004 Catalog

