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Knoll Printed Matter (Part I)

Easing into 2011 with some visual, gourmet comfort food.

Way in advance of spring, and the opening of the exhibition, Knoll Textiles, at the Bard Graduate Center on May 18, I trust these Herbert Matter-designed ads, posters, and catalogs for Knoll will whet your appetite for both (spring and the show).

Matter was a design consultant to Knoll from 1946-1966. The Swiss-born designer and photographer was a pioneer of photomontage, among other darkroom techniques and a master of merging type with image. His is the Knoll identity you know so well, that you recognize it without seeing a piece of furniture or reading a word of text.

I can’t say exactly when during the next few months I’ll be posting “Part II,” but I can safely predict that there will be one. The selection here represents only a fraction of Knolliana produced over the years. And that’s before we even get to the textiles ...

Sources: Another Design Blog, Yale Library