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It's Foodie Friday! Puerto Rican Eggnog by Andrea Juarez

Special drinks are as much a part of the holiday season as are Christmas trees, decorations, frosted cookies and gifts. Holiday concoctions raise spirits and bring a little more extravagance to holiday festivities - especially with a little alcohol added. 
In some countries like France and Spain, champagne and fine wine are preferred, while in Britain, you might find hot mulled cider.  But in Puerto Rico, it's coquito (!) - a tropical version of eggnog with coconut milk, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla and, of course, rum.  (Yum.)  Once you’ve had it, it's doubtful you’ll be drinking traditional American eggnog again.
Andrea Juarez, a contributor to OneBrownGirl.com®, is a hobbyist food anthropologist who writes about different cultural uses of ingredients on her food blog Fork Fingers Chopsticks.