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Sarah Illenberger's Infographics

Berlin, Stadtansichten Magazin

Berlin-based Sarah Illenberger is well know for her use of humble materials—paper, styrofoam, cold cuts, etc.—for illustrative purposes. Since posting a piece she did for The New York Times Magazine, I’ve been wanting to show some of her infographics, which display the same inventiveness with imagery and materials. Though her work is often admired for its meticulous handwork and attention to detail (see recent project, smart fortwo), Illenberger’s approach to data/info display demonstrates that her true skill lies not in her hands, but in her mind. They are refreshing examples of infographic possibilities that exist beyond the computer.

Dresden, Neuland

Sex Survey, Neon

How many people have you slept with?

Have you ever paid for sex?

What is your sexual orientation?

How many times a month do you look at pornographic sites on the internet?

Knitted Organs, SZ

Love these "alternative" 3D models. (Good to keep in mind for when Bryan Christie isn’t available.)