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Memoirs of a Showgirl - Almost on the Shelves!

Any of you who read this blog regularly know that I have a cabaret obsession. I think its the combo of the feathers, the bling, the beautiful girls, the lights and that showbiz sparkle all wrapped into one. Very Austen Powers! Everytime I get a call to do a cabaret picture my heart sings and the showgirl inside high kicks.

Memoirs of a Showgirl is on the printing press at the moment, the story of my darling buddy Shay Stafford and her years at the Moulin Rouge and Lido de Paris. I can't wait to read it.

This photo was taken in her last days in Paris and this is how we did it.

1. We used a million dollar state of the art light system that would make any photographers heart beat quickly.
2. Rummaged through the 'archives' to find a costume that screamed CABARET.
2. Asked the Lido's lighting genius Guillame to hit numerous buttons till the lovely Shay was back lit a stop or two higher than the soft front lighting.
3. Guilliame then hit another button that kicked the smoke machine into action, you can see whisps of the smoke trailing off in this pic near the top left hand light.
4. We turned on the chandeliers to add more bling.
5. Then the divine Shay added showgirl sparkle.

If you want to check out some more pics and video's of cabaret put on your diamante earrings and hit this link Memoirs of a Showgirl .