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Folio Presentation Ideas

Okay, so I realised that being my blog/folio for PIC i have not discussed my presentation ideas on here. 
I have thought of many different ways to do it including these:

a catalogue

a book

Mounted on board

Magazine Form

I also thought about post cards, mounted on black card, framed, posters. I have thought about sizing and texts etc. also. 

But I have found something that i want. Simple, reusable in the future, professional. Something that stands out a little, but is still regarded as clean cut and modern. 

A presentation folder. 

Mine will be a burgundy red. Nothing too loud but something that will attract attention. I am getting my name embossed down the front in silver to stand out somewhat. 

There will be rings inside to ensure that my work doesn't get damaged, while in transport from place to place. 
Great for my commercial work, easy to view and flip through too. 
It is going to be A3, and depending on how many images im comfortable presenting it still may have more than one image printed on a sheet of paper. 
I do want to have one A3 piece of paper to be a series. But mainly I want one sheet per image. 
I may look into a more magazine style layout to demonstrate my desires to one day shoot for magazines.