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Sanctuary by Gregory Crewdson

Abandoned outdoor film sets are the subject for Sanctuary, Gregory Crewdson's latest project. While visiting Rome, American photographer Gregory Crewdson was invited to tour the legendary film studio Cinecitta, where directors such as Federico Fellini and Roberto Rossellini shot their films. He was fascinated by the elaborate film sets that had became ruins.... Sanctuary is a series of forty-one  haunting black-and-white photographs of crumbling facades and deserted streets, shot at dawn and dusk, at the Cinecitta studios in 2009.

In these pictures, I draw upon the inherent quietness and uncanny aspects of the empty sets. As with much of my work, I looked at the blurred lines between reality and fiction, nature and artifice, and beauty and decay. --Gregory Crewdson

Sanctuary opens September 23, at Gagosian gallery in New York. The book will be released in conjunction with the exhibition.
Images, courtesy the New Yorker

Team Uncool Fashion Loves: The new Arcade fire interactive Video

I know its not very fashion related, but I love the new Arcade fire collaboration with Google for their interactive video for the song 'The Wildnerness Downtown,' off their 3rd brand new album, 'The Suburbs.'

You can see the video at, http://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/

The project was lead and designed by, Chris Milk.

Enjoy it,
CT 2010

Axioms, Capitol, Veranda


oh, if you missed yesterday's post- go here ,You missed my dear friend Dorothy and her latest decorating project.

I am off for the day to this amazing place here.

 Alexander McQueen's Praying Mantis dress featured at CAPITOL here

 for a party honoring

Dara Caponigro & her new role as Editor-in-Chief of VERANDA

image from CAPITOL, 
read the post from the Capitol blog on Dara Caponigro  here 

read an interview with Dara here


Some Days - Wang Ningde

Copyright Wang Ningde

Paris is one of those cities that you could discover something fabulous everyday without even trying. On the way to the chiropractor on Friday I discovered yet another wonderful photography gallery in the 3rd. In the heart of the 'rag trade' clothing industry is the wonderful Galerie Paris-Beijing. I had five minutes to kill before my appointment so dropped in.

There are rare occasions when you are totally carried away by images, when your mouth drops open in wonder, hypnotized as though you have never seen a photo before. Voila, that was me in front of Wang Ningde's wonderful images entitled Some Days. His sitters are lost in a trance somewhere between two worlds and so was I. Fifteen minutes late for my appointment!

In the preface to his catalogue Elsa Favreau describes his images beautifully.

"Their eyes are closed, their mouths half open, they doze, practically hypnostised between ecstasy and exhaustion; the landscapes are deserted. imagined or idealised. The photos in Wang Ningde's 'Some Days' series plunge us into daydreaming and bitterness, mid-way between regret and reminiscence of a given moment.

Wang Ningde was born in the seventies, the very time when China began "opening up"  to the outside world. He captures an image of a China undoubtedly contemporary, yet still carrying a weighted memory of the cultural revolution".

If you are in Paris check out Some Days which closes on the 7th September 2010.

Vestiaire de Divas or the Diva's dressing room

Vestiaire de Divas: De Maria Callas a Dalida. The Diva's dressing room: From Maria Callas to Dalida.

The Centre National du Costume de Scene (National Theatrical Costume Center) is paying homage to the Diva, that prima donna endowed with a magnetic aura and exercising fascination over her audience, via an exhibition entitled Vestiaire de Divas (The Diva's dressing room), through December 31, 2010 in Moulins, France.
The Centre National du Costume de Scène(CNCS)  was established in 2006 with the mission of preserving and exhibiting costumes from the performing arts in France. The costumes in the permanent collection — donated by the Bibliothèque Nationale, the Comédie-Française, and Paris’s National Opera — span the second half of the 19th century all the way to the early 2000s. In order to protect the fabrics, the collection is not on permanent display, but the CNCS organizes three exhibitions a year. 

For Romans, then for Italians, the "Diva" was originally a "goddess". At the dawn of the 20th century, she became mortal in the form of an opera singer whose talent, virtuosity and personality combine to form a truly explosive blend, nurturing unparalleled success and popularity.
Vestiaire de Divas, a beautiful exhibition, displays an array of costumes, dresses, jewelry and accessories from the 19th and 20th century, wore by true myths such as, Maria Callas, Sarah Bernhardt, Edith Piaf, Dalida and Edwige Feuillere among them.

The various outfits of Maria Callas

Edwige Feuillere's fan

Sarah Bernhardt's pouch, 1896

Louis Vuitton toiletry case

Maria Callas's dress

Dalida's dress, 1981

Edith Piaf's vanity case

Images, courtesy of Artinfo
and Evenfr

Amie Milne

Great shoot for hair! Really been looking into hair shoots as i have been using hair stylists on my fashion shoots, and have been trying to get some shots of the hair styles for them to use in their own portfolio. Great inspiraton and good to go back for reference. 

Photography // Amie Milne
Model // Beau @ Cameron's Models
Hair // Rob Mason
Mae Up / Raeoni Davies 

Deep Inception

A collection by Culture magazine. Love this set! Amazing how its all connected with the surroundings yet they are such different images!

Danophile | DANSK Magazine

Saw this today! Great shoot. Really inspiring me to work more with hair and different clothing and by keeping things quite simple.

Team Uncool Fashion Likes: Fred Perry Footwear A/W 2010 Dorsey Boot

While in Copenhagen I walked into a beautifully curated shop in Frederiksberg called 'Fred and friends' (you can find them on Gamel Konjeveg in Frederiksberg) and bought a pair of Fred Perry leather boots. Love them and couldn't find them on the Fred Perry website. But you can find them on a couple of websites and in the new A/W 2010 catalogue. Here is one to check them out.

Ct 2010