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The One Brown Girl Challenge

Stay focused on your focus.
Whether in business or personal interactions, I would venture to say that the easiest way to accomplish something is to jump ship and get on someone else's bandwagon as opposed to staying on your own.  Why?  Because someone else is doing all of the thinking, the planning and the execution.  What could get any easier than that?  But for those with their own solid vision, easy isn't always best.  It's just...I dunno...easy. 
I'm guilty of wanting to jump ship from time to time.  I surf the Web and Facebook pretty much every week looking for inspiration and interesting cultural tidbits for this blog and often find myself wishing I could be a part of every group or cause with a brilliant mission that is even remotely similar to mine.  I even get a little envious.  I kind of equate it to my childhood school days of wanting to be a part of The Cool Kids Group, without realizing (at first) that I could be My Own Cool Kid with my own brilliant vision and point of view.  (Thank goodness for independent thinking!  Thanks, Mom.)
So here I go again challenging myself to stay focused on my own focus; and to let others good ideas just remain the good ideas that they are so that I can continue to be inspired by them and do what I do the best way I know how to do it.  Whew.  (Long sentence.)  It isn't the easiest way; but it sure is cool.  ;-)

Ever have trouble staying focused on your focus?