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getting the itch

I many times will pop out with The Dog to coax her along-
She is coquettish that way-
Loves to be begged, that one.

 the 7 a.m. grass is quite wet-
but no rain,
humidity already pressing in-not yet oppressive, but getting there.

walking along the pavers to the grass- (Zetta- The Dog)- still sitting on the porch-
Waiting-for-I know not what.
Stopping, stooping, spotting errant grass, weeds, unidentified green-I pluck the intruders.
Much better.
Zetta is now sauntering along in- that when I want to I will- way.
I have reached her paddock and continue my task along the- work in progress-flower beds.
Five minutes of this each morning-
Humoring a dog and weeding-
Keeps things in precarious equilibrium.
Keeps the undesirables out.

& then
they come.
Today is the first day I have suffered.
really suffered, attacked.
Some I sense immediately- invading pale flesh-
maniacal Mosquitoes-
they make my Summer Life a living Hell
tortured, plagued since I was a small child
they feast.
It is Summer
I am getting the Itch.
