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Being Polynesian

I went to a festival over Memorial Day Weekend and saw some Polynesian dancers turn. it. out. Graceful hand movements, beautiful smiles, wicked hips and drummers drumming are what I remember most.  As usual, I envisioned myself on stage in my Polynesian Brown Girl outfit swaying my hips softly like ocean waves and then churning it up and turning it out like the Polynesian girls do.  (I might have mentioned this before, but I have this thing about being all of the different cultures that I celebrate so much.  Right now, I want to be Polynesian.  Tomorrow, I'll want to be something else.  Do not judge me.  LOL.) 
I have plans to go to Hawaii this year and maybe even to the South Pacific at some point in 2011, but for now I have my over-active imagination and this blog to take me anywhere I want to go.  Think I'll stick a flower in my hair, go to Whole Foods and get myself a pineapple and create my own little island in my head for the day.  Do you ever use your imagination to transport yourself to another place or time?  Aloha.  =)