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Timothy Greenfield-Sanders

Timothy is a portrait photographer who i found out about while watching a show on ABC2 called Close Up: photographers At Work: Portraiture on Saturday night. People say he takes the same images over and over again, however he thinks it is a very important image to take. An important moment in time. 

"You need to look for the one angle that makes a person in every shoot. "

He learned to take images by doing. He photographed people and learned about portraiture by others, mainly his subjects, telling him that his lights were in the wrong place. He believes that if you have a history with the person you are taking an image of, the better the image will be. 

This image i love how you can see Timothy's working space and little things he uses to get into position and to get a clear vision of the person like the two bricks he is standing on. 

I think he is an amazing inspiration, he shows you that even though his work seems as though it repeats and is the same, each image is different because of the person. It doesn't matter if you use the same pose 1000000 times, each of them will be different.