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Take Mom Shopping!

Assuming that Mom is a woman of extraordinary taste, who delights in discovering things she hasn’t seen anywhere else, show her how in-the-know you are. Take her to Pastec on E. 12th St. The store, which had been a Soho destination for over 20 years, moved to the East Village about a year ago.

An eclectic range of accessories for yourself and your home, come from all over the world, to occupy the calmly hued, sunlit space. Each item is strictly filtered through the discerning lens of owner, Sara Spinelli, who is known for her intolerance of the ordinary, and aversion to boredom. I think Mom will approve.

Pastec, 437 E. 12th St., nr. Ave. A - Phone: 212-219-3922
Read/see more in New York Magazine.

One of the few places you will find jewelry by Monica Castiglioni.

Pillows silk-screened with the top ten google searches of different years.