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May Day

I personally do not celebrate May 1 with either political demonstrations nor with dancing around the maypole. The political holiday, however, has graphics …
I couldn't believe that this was not a poster, because it sure reads like one. It's a sticker from May 1st, 2007, which marked the 30th anniversary of a deadly May Day rally in Istanbul. From Another Limited Rebellion

"Long Live the Festival of the Workers of All Countries"
From Chtodelat: News about activism, art and critical
thought from Russia and elsewhere.

There's no date for this poster at Labor Arts. It's from the Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives and the Tamiment Library at New York University. Apparently tens of thousands of people used to march in the annual May Day parades in the 1930s in NYC's Union Square.

No info on this, but great design and use of numeral "1."
I think it's Turkish. absolutcure.deviantart.com

"Work and peace for the republic, well-being for the
people." Produced by Zdeněk Rossman for the Communist
Party of Czechoslovakia, for May 1, 1946. From Wikipedia.

1973 May 1 poster by the artist Dimas for ICAIC
(The Cuban Film Institute). From Cuban Posters.

Soviet poster from Dull Neon. It links to a huge flickr set of USSR posters.