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Earthquake in Chile

From the LA Times:  One of the biggest earthquakes [magnitude 8.8] in recorded history rocked Chile on Saturday [February 27, 2010], killing more than 300 people, toppling buildings and freeways, and setting off sirens thousands of miles away....  Some observers...worried that international relief efforts could be stretched thin by the continuing response to the Haiti earthquake, which left more than 215,000 people dead and a million homeless.  "This earthquake has delivered a tremendous blow to Chilean society," [President-elect Sebastian] Pinera said, adding he would request emergency funds totaling 2% of the budget to help rebuild. "Our government will do everything for the recovery and to accelerate reconstruction."  Read the story in its entirety here.  Text “CHILE” to 25383 to donate $10 to support Chile relief efforts through Habitat for Humanity. Text “REBUILD” to 50555 to donate $10 to support Chile relief efforts through Operation USA.