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Andrew Atroshenko

Born in 1965 in the City of Pokrovsk, Russia, Andrew became part of a gifted child program at the Children’s Art School there, and was later accepted at the St. Petersburg Academy of Art, one of the world’s most prestigious art schools.

 "Into the Light " Andrew Atroshenko

In 1999 Andrew spent the entire year in the U.S.  He was invited by “Bay Arts,” a New England based group, to take part in their exhibitions and activities.

According to Andrew, “The year in America gave me more as an artist then all eight years of my formal studies.” After seeing Royo and Pino at Art Expo 2000 in New York, he chose the direction his art would take.



View more paintings FineArtandSoul.

RL c1919

wool jersey bathing costumes
photograph from my collection

Figure Oil paintings - by Gary benfield

Born Birmingham in 1965. He studied at Stourbridge college of Art and later Wrexham college of Art. He became a professional freelance illustrator in 1986 and joined the Artist Partner Group.

Picture of Greensleeves (silkscreen on paper) by Gary Benfield
After leaving the academic world he set up his own studio near London and concentrated on drawing figures. within a few years his work was collected throughout Europe and his reputation firmly established. 

Benfield has a natural talent for depicting things as seen. His work is spontaneous and is reflected by his drawn lines and dashes of colour. The figures dissolve in and out of their backgrounds and move across the paper. He paints rapidly and disgards most of his paintings and drawings, keeping only those he feels are perfected in their conception rather than overwork those that he feels are not correct. 

His pictures represent a discreet world of objects which combine figures, mythology, nature, still life and despite the casual apperance of his compositions, all this imagery is highly organised, after long observation one finds the hidden symmetry of the graphic design. 

For Benfield the world around him is a continous sequence of contained casuality. Objects and figures intertwine in his mind, they dance, they fuse, the one adopts the colour and life of the other. We are drawn into an intimate world of his imagery, where sensuality and delight in life's form are combined in flight of frolic and fantasy. 


Visit Gary benfield's online Gallery for more Designs and other informations.

Kareena Kapoor

While I was out

The girls on the way to the Vatican
Ready for the 3D show in Rome
Santa Maria della Salute Venice
Madonna Rome
the girls on the way to Laurito
Piazza San Marco in the morning
Eliza at Fornillo
Positano at sunset
Bella Isabella
Fete du Tuileries
Nuns Rome

It's Foto Friday! And Variety is the Spice of Life!

Mother and Grandmother, Arlene Washington, is terribly proud of her Beautiful Brown Family and OBG is tickled [Brown] to present her family right here on the OBG blog!

"These are my Brown Girls and their children. What beautiful people. I love them all and am so happy [that] they also have [a] wide variet[y] of friends and acquaintances. We have had huge varieties [of cultures in our family] which makes for...well rounded people. [I]f it keeps up, the world could actually become a more loving and tolerant place! Love your site and am sharing with the children and grands! Thank you, Arlene."